Class ResourceUIUtil


public class ResourceUIUtil extends Object
This class will be used to provide various utilities aimed at NotLoadedFragment manipulation.
  • Field Details


      public static final String RESOURCES_GRAPH_ID
      ID of the graph of EMF resources used by EMFCompare to compute the logical model.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceUIUtil

      public ResourceUIUtil()
  • Method Details

    • getResourcesURIGraph

      public static IGraphView<URI> getResourcesURIGraph()
      Get the graph of resources' URI for the models involved in the current comparison.
      the graph if it exists, null otherwise.
    • isRootResource

      public static boolean isRootResource(URI uri)
      Check if the given URI correspond to the root resource of a model. In this case a root resource is a piece of a whole model that is not a fragment of the model.
      uri - the given URI.
      true if the given URI is root resource of a model, false otherwise.
    • isFragment

      public static boolean isFragment(URI uri)
      Check if the given URI correspond to a fragment of model. In this case a fragment is a piece of a whole model that is not the root resource of the model.
      uri - the given URI.
      true if the given URI is a fragment of a model, false otherwise.
    • isFragment

      public static boolean isFragment(Match rootMatch, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side)
      Check if the given match is a root match of its comparison model and is a fragment. In this case a fragment is a piece of a whole model that is not the root resource of the model.
      rootMatch - the given match.
      side - the side for which we want to know if it is a fragment or not.
      true if the given match is a root match of its comparison model and is a fragment, false otherwise.
    • isFirstLevelFragment

      public static boolean isFirstLevelFragment(URI uri)
      Check if the given URI corresponds to a fragment of model that is at the first level of the model, in other words a fragment that is directly under a root resource. In this case a fragment is a piece of a whole model that is not the root resource of the model.

      If the given fragment (represented by the given URI) has several parents, this method will return false.

      uri - the given URI.
      true if the given URI is a fragment of a model, false otherwise.
    • getRootResourceURI

      public static URI getRootResourceURI(URI uri)
      Get the root resource of the whole model that contains the given fragment (represented by its uri).

      If at some point of the process a fragment has several parents, this method will return null.

      uri - the given URI.
      the root resource of the whole model that contains the given fragment if found, null otherwise.
    • getParentResourceURI

      public static URI getParentResourceURI(ResourceSet rs, URI uri)
      Get the first loaded parent resource URI of the given resource (represented by its URI) contained in the given ResourceSet.

      If at some point of the process the current resource (represented by its URI) has several parents, this method will return null.

      rs - the ResourceSet in which the first loaded parent must be found.
      uri - the URI of the resource for which we want to get its first loaded parent.
      the URI of the first loaded resource parent if found, null otherwise.
    • getParent

      public static Resource getParent(ResourceSet rs, URI uri)
      Get the parent of the given resource (represented by its URI) contained in the given ResourceSet.

      If the given resource (represented by its URI) has several parents, this method will return null.

      rs - the ResourceSet in which the parent must be found.
      uri - the URI of the resource for which we want to get its parent.
      the parent of the given resource (represented by its URI) if found, null otherwise.
    • getEObjectParent

      public static EObject getEObjectParent(ResourceSet rs, URI uri)
      Get the first loaded EObject parent of the given resource (represented by its URI) contained in the given ResourceSet.

      If at some point of the process the current resource (represented by its URI) has several parents, this method will return null.

      rs - the ResourceSet in which the first loaded parent must be found.
      uri - the URI of the resource for which we want to get its first loaded parent.
      the first loaded EObject parent of the given resource (represented by its URI) if found, null otherwise.
    • getTreeNode

      public static TreeNode getTreeNode(Collection<TreeNode> nodes, Match match)
      Search from the given list of TreeNodes (and recursively on its children), the one that is associated to the given Match.
      nodes - the given list of TreeNodes.
      match - the given Match.
      the TreeNode that is associated to the given Match.
    • getTreeNodeFromURI

      public static TreeNode getTreeNodeFromURI(Collection<TreeNode> nodes, URI uri)
      Get from the given list of TreeNodes, the one that has its data's resource's URI (TreeNode -> Match -> EObject -> Resource -> URI) corresponding to the given URI.
      nodes - the given list of TreeNodes.
      uri - the given URI.
      the TreeNode that has its data's resource's URI corresponding to the given URI, or null if no one match.
    • getDataURI

      public static URI getDataURI(Match match)
      Get the Resource's URI of the data associated to the given Match
      match - the given Match.
      the Resource's URI of the data associated to the given Match.
    • getDataURIs

      public static Collection<URI> getDataURIs(Collection<Match> matches, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side)
      Get the Resource's URIs of the data associated to the given list of Matches.
      matches - the given list of Matches.
      side - the given side of the comparison.
      the Resource's URIs of the data associated to the given list of Matches.
    • getDataURI

      public static URI getDataURI(Match match, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side)
      Get the Resource's URI of the data associated to the given Match, and for the given side of the comparison. .
      match - the given Match.
      side - the given side of the comparison.
      the Resource's URI of the data associated to the given Match.
    • getDataResourceSet

      public static ResourceSet getDataResourceSet(Match match)
      Get the Resource's ResourceSet of the data associated to the given Match.
      match - the given Match.
      the Resource's ResourceSet of the data associated to the given Match.
    • getDataResourceSet

      public static ResourceSet getDataResourceSet(Match match, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side)
      Get the Resource's ResourceSet of the data associated to the given Match, and for the given side of the comparison.
      match - the given Match.
      side - the given side of the comparison.
      the Resource's ResourceSet of the data associated to the given Match.
    • containsNotLoadedFragmentNodes

      public static boolean containsNotLoadedFragmentNodes(Collection<TreeNode> nodes)
      Check if the given list of TreeNodes contains at least two nodes that have NotLoadedFragmentMatch for data.
      nodes - the given list of TreeNodes.
      true if the given list of TreeNodes contains at least two nodes that have NotLoadedFragmentMatch for data, false otherwise.
    • getNotLoadedFragmentMatches

      public static Collection<Match> getNotLoadedFragmentMatches(Collection<IMergeViewerItem> items)
      Get from the given list of IMergeViewerItems, the NotLoadedFragmentMatchs.
      items - the given list of IMergeViewerItems.
      a list of Match.
    • getResourceName

      public static String getResourceName(NotLoadedFragmentMatch match)
      Get the resource's name associated with the data of the given NotLoadedFragmentMatch. If it is a NotLoadedFragmentMatch containing others NotLoadedFragmentMatch, then it returns an empty string.
      match - the given NotLoadedFragmentMatch.
      the resource's name associated with the data of the given NotLoadedFragmentMatch.
    • getChildrenMatchWithNotLoadedParent

      public static Collection<Match> getChildrenMatchWithNotLoadedParent(Comparison comparison, Match match, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side)
      Filters, from the root matches of the given comparison, those who will children matches of the given match if all fragments of the whole models involved in comparison had been loaded, for the given side of the comparison.
      comparison - the given comparison, cannot be null.
      match - the given match, can be null.
      side - the given side of the comparison.
      a list of Matches.
    • isChildOf

      public static boolean isChildOf(URI uri, Collection<URI> uris)
      Check if the given URI is a child (directly or not) of one of the given list of URIs.
      uri - the given URI.
      uris - the given list of URIs.
      true if the given URI is a child (directly or not) of one of the given list of URIs, false otherwise.
    • createItemForNotLoadedFragmentMatch

      public static IMergeViewerItem createItemForNotLoadedFragmentMatch(Match match, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side, Comparison comparison, AdapterFactory adapterFactory)
      Constructs a NotLoadedFragmentMatch from the given Match and then return the IMergeViewerItem corresponding to this NotLoadedFragmentMatch.
      match - the given Match.
      side - the side of the Match.
      comparison - the comparison object that contains the Match.
      adapterFactory - the adapter factory used to create the merge viewer item.
      an IMergeViewerItem.
    • addNewContainerForNotLoadedFragmentMatches

      public static IMergeViewerItem addNewContainerForNotLoadedFragmentMatches(Collection<IMergeViewerItem> items, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side, Comparison comparison, AdapterFactory adapterFactory)
      Adds a new parent container to the given list of IMergeViewerItems if needed and returns it. If the given items don't need a new parent, return null.
      items - the given IMergeViewerItems.
      side - the side of the Match.
      comparison - the comparison object that contains the Match.
      adapterFactory - the adapter factory used to create the merge viewer item.
      an IMergeViewerItem, or null.