Interface IModelUpdateStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IModelUpdateStrategy
A strategy for updating the model with changes made from within a content merge viewer.
  • Method Details

    • canUpdate

      boolean canUpdate(Diff diff, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side)
      Specifies whether the value in the model can to be updated on the given side.
      diff - The diff acting as context of the potential model update.
      side - The side to check.
      true if the value can be updated, false otherwise.
    • getModelUpdateCommand

      Command getModelUpdateCommand(Diff diff, Object newValue, IMergeViewer.MergeViewerSide side)
      Returns a command for updating the underlying model with the given newValue on the given side.
      diff - The diff acting as context of the model update.
      newValue - The new value to be set.
      side - The side on which the update is to be performed.
      A command to perform the model update.