Class ResourceChangeAdapter

All Implemented Interfaces:
Adapter, Adapter.Internal

public class ResourceChangeAdapter extends AdapterImpl
This adapter is supposed to be installed on a Comparison's ResourceSets and their Resources to react to content changes. Participants can then react to such changes to jointly decide whether a resource must be marked for deletion. The same instance of adapter should be used for all the resources of a comparison's ResourceSets. EMFCompare installs such an adapter on the comparison to make it easy to retrieve.
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceChangeAdapter

      public ResourceChangeAdapter(Comparison comparison, IComparisonScope scope)
      comparison - The comparison, cannot be null.
      scope - The scope, cannot be null. Moreover, the left and right notifiers of the scope must be ResourceSets.
  • Method Details

    • notifyChanged

      public void notifyChanged(Notification msg)
      Specified by:
      notifyChanged in interface Adapter
      notifyChanged in class AdapterImpl
    • isAdapterForType

      public boolean isAdapterForType(Object type)
      Specified by:
      isAdapterForType in interface Adapter
      isAdapterForType in class AdapterImpl
    • addParticipant

      public void addParticipant(ResourceChangeAdapter.IResourceChangeParticipant participant)
      Register the given participant.
      participant - The participant, must not be null
    • removeParticipant

      public void removeParticipant(ResourceChangeAdapter.IResourceChangeParticipant participant)
      Unregister the given participant, has no action if the participant was not previously registered.
      participant - The participant to unregister
    • mustDelete

      public boolean mustDelete(Resource r)
      Indicate whether a given Resource needs to be deleted.
      r - The resource
      true if the given resource has been marked for deletion.
    • resourceAdded

      protected void resourceAdded(Resource resource)
      Callback invoked when a resource has just been added to a resource set. By default, it walks over the interested participants and creates all the associated resources that these participants declare as associated to the given resource.
      resource - The newly added resource
    • getResourceSetOnOtherSide

      protected ResourceSet getResourceSetOnOtherSide(Resource r)
      Get the resource set on the other side of the given resource.
      r - The resource, which must be either on the left or on the right of the comparison.
      The ResourceSet on the other side, never null.
      IllegalArgumentException - If the given resource is neither on the left nor on the right.
    • resourceContentsChanged

      protected void resourceContentsChanged(Resource resource, Notification msg)
      React to a Resource contents change to determine if this change involves the deletion of one or several resources. A Resource must be deleted if:
      1. Their contents is null or empty;
      2. It is not matched on the other side of the comparison;
      3. Every participant is OK to delete it.
      Otherwise, it must not be deleted. When a resource is detected as 'to be deleted', all interested participants are asked for associated resources to delete along with it, and all these resources are marked for deletion without any further test. When a resource is detected as 'not to be deleted', and it had previously been marked for deletion (in the case of an undo for instance), then all interested participants are asked for associated resources which are all marked as 'not te be deleted'.
      resource - The resource the contents of which have changed
      msg - The notification of the change
    • isEmptyAndMissingOnOtherSide

      public boolean isEmptyAndMissingOnOtherSide(Resource resource)
      Indicate whether a resource is empty and is only on its side of the comparison (i.e. if it should be deleted unless a special restriction prevents it).
      resource - The resource
      true if the resource is empty and is not matched on the other side of the comparison.
    • getResourceMatch

      protected getResourceMatch(Resource resource)
      Returns the MatchResource corresponding to the given resource.
      resource - Resource for which we need a MatchResource.
      The MatchResource corresponding to the given resource, null if the resource is not in any side of this comparison (package, profiles, ...).