
  • Class
    This can be subclassed instead of IModelResolver to avoid reimplementing common extension-related code.
    This class encapsulates a list of model minimizers and propagates any calls to each element in the list.
    This can be used in order to tell EMF Compare how to minimize the logical model to a reduced set of resources.
    A registry for model minimizers.
    This can be used in order to tell EMF Compare how the logical model of a given file can be resolved in its entirety.
    Used by the logical model to wrap types that can provide IStorages.
    This will be used by URI Converters in order to retrieve the storages for the files it seeks.
    Used by the resolution process to determine the side of the revision to fetch.
    This class acts as a simple DTO that allows us to store the three traversals corresponding to the three sides of a comparison while we build its scope.