Direct Known Subclasses:
LocalModelResolution, LocalModelsResolution, ModelsResolution

public abstract class AbstractResolution extends Object
Abstract super-class of resolving computations.
  • Field Details

    • context

      protected final IResolutionContext context
      The context.
    • monitor

      protected final org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor monitor
      The monitor.
    • diagnostic

      protected DiagnosticSupport diagnostic
      The diagnostic.
    • logger

      protected final EMFCompareLogger logger
      The logger
    • implicitDependencies

      protected IImplicitDependencies implicitDependencies
      The implicit dependencies.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractResolution

      public AbstractResolution(IResolutionContext context, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
      context - The resolution context, must not be null
      monitor - The progress monitor, can be null
  • Method Details

    • getImplicitDependencies

      protected IImplicitDependencies getImplicitDependencies()
      Returns the implicit dependencies which can be used to retrieve a set of files that should be part of the same logical model than a given file.
      The IImplicitDependencies instance.
    • getTicks

      protected int getTicks()
      Number of ticks to allocate to the progress monitor used for reporting progress.
      The number of ticks to use, 100 by default but can be overridden if necessary.
    • call

      protected <T> T call(Callable<T> callable)
      Executes the given callable as soon as there is no other computation running, and automatically runs "finalization" treatment once the computation is over, whatever its outcome (success or failure). A diagnostic is instantiated before the computation and should be used thourghout this whole computation. It will be set to null before returning, whatever happens.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the returned value.
      callable - Treatment to run
      The result of the treatment
    • getFinalizeResolvingRunnable

      protected Runnable getFinalizeResolvingRunnable()
      This provides the treatment that is run at the end of the computation, whatever its outcome. It is guaranteed to run once, in a block "finally", along with other required finalization treatments that are run systematically. There's no need to acquire a lock, this is guaranteed to have been done before, and it is released after this treatment ends.
      The Runnable to run after having resolved resources.
    • asURISet

      protected Set<URI> asURISet(Set<org.eclipse.core.resources.IStorage> storages)
      Transforms the given Set of IStorages into a Set of URIs.
      storages - The storages to transform, must not be null.
      A mutable set of URIs, may be empty but never )null.
    • resolveTraversal

      protected Set<org.eclipse.core.resources.IStorage> resolveTraversal(org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile file, Set<URI> bounds)
      Computes the traversal of the given file, excluding the given bounds if needed.
      file - File for which the traversal is needed
      bounds - URI to exclude from the logical model computation in case both compared resources are part of the same logical model
      A Set of the file's outgoing and incoming dependencies, never null but possibly empty.