Package org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui.widgets
package org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui.widgets
A library with reusable widgets.
ClassDescriptionDeprecated.A UI component that renders a the elements of a
in form of a commit table with a branch tree.Provides the content of a CommitHistoryComposite, i.e., the elements of aCDOCommitHistory
.Encapsulates the input of aCommitHistoryComposite
.Thrown fromInput(Object)
when no history could be created from the passed parameter object.Allows implementors to display alternative histories for selectedmodel objects
.Createsobject modifier
for the content of a CommitHistoryComposite, i.e., the elements of aCDOCommitHistory
.Composed UI widget offering functionality for users to selectbranches
and atimestamp
within a branch for a particularCDOSession
Deprecated.As of 4.4 no longer supported.Simplecomposite
allowing users to introduce connection information with a repository.A scale widget that can beconnected
to differentviews
andtree viewers
(one such pair at a time) to synchronize the view'stimestamp
with this widget's selection.