Uses of Package

Packages that use org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server
Server integration of the CDO Lifecycle Management.
Server concepts for dealing with repositories and stores.
Server side of the protocol to administer CDO repositories remotely.
Server concepts for dealing with DB stores and accessors.
Server concepts for dealing with mapping strategies and mappings for classes, lists and types.
Server concepts for dealing with Net4j-based repositories and fail-over infrastructure.
Server concepts for dealing with DB stores and accessors.
Server concepts for dealing with in-memory stores.
Server concepts for dealing with MongoDB stores and accessors.
Server concepts for dealing with Net4j-based repositories and fail-over infrastructure.
Server implementation of a generic OCL query handler.
Server integration of the Security model.
Server provider interfaces (SPI) for the protocol to administer CDO repositories remotely.
Server provider interfaces (SPI) for the server integration of the Security model.
Server service provider interfaces and useful base implementations.
Server provider interfaces (SPI) for CDO workspaces.
Concepts to checkout, open and further operate CDO workspaces.