Code Coverage Preferences

The behavior of the EclEmma plug-in can be adjusted in the Eclipse Preferences dialog. Open the dialog from the WindowPreferences menu. EclEmma's settings are located on the page JavaCode Coverage. Or simply type coverage in the filter field. The Code Coverage preferences page contains the following options.

When a launch configuration is executed in code coverage mode the first time EclEmma selects class path entries that will be in scope for code coverage analysis by default. There are several options to modify the default selection behavior:

Warning: If your settings do not match any of the class path entries in your project(s), every new launch in coverage mode will have an empty analysis scope.

For technical reasons it might be necessary to exclude certain classes from code coverage analysis. The following options configure the coverage agent to exclude certain classes from analysis. Except for performance optimization or technical corner cases these options are normally not required.

Warning: Use these options with caution! Invalid entries might break the code coverage launcher. Also do not use these options to define the scope of your analysis. Excluded classes will still show as not covered.

Other Relevant Preference Pages

Java elements in the various Eclipse views like the Package Explorer might be directly decorated with coverage data from the current session. This can be enabled on the page GeneralAppearanceLabel Decorators. The corresponding entry is

The annotation style for code coverage in editors can be adjusted on the page GeneralEditorsText EditorsAnnotations. The corresponding entries are: