Uses of Package
Packages that use org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin
Remote Service Admin Package Version 1.1.
Classes in org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin used by description of an endpoint that provides sufficient information for a compatible distribution provider to create a connection to this endpoint An Endpoint Description is easy to transfer between different systems because it is property based where the property keys are strings and the values are simple types.An Endpoint Event.A white board service that represents a listener for endpoints.Deprecated.As of 1.1.An Export Reference associates a service with a local endpoint.An Export Registration associates a service to a local endpoint.An Import Reference associates an active proxy service to a remote endpoint.An Import Registration associates an active proxy service to a remote endpoint.A Remote Service Admin manages the import and export of services.Provides the event information for a Remote Service Admin event.A
listener is notified synchronously of any export or import registrations and unregistrations. -
Classes in org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin used by org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadminClassDescriptionA description of an endpoint that provides sufficient information for a compatible distribution provider to create a connection to this endpoint An Endpoint Description is easy to transfer between different systems because it is property based where the property keys are strings and the values are simple types.An Endpoint Event.An Export Reference associates a service with a local endpoint.An Export Registration associates a service to a local endpoint.An Import Reference associates an active proxy service to a remote endpoint.An Import Registration associates an active proxy service to a remote endpoint.Provides the event information for a Remote Service Admin event.