Create a connection profile to connect to Apache Derby.
Switch to the Database Development perspective. Make sure that the database server is running before attempting to test the connection or to connect to the database server.
In Data Source Explorer, right-click Databases and select New.
Enter the letter d to filter the Connection Profile Types list.
(Optional) Change the Name from the system-provided default, and/or enter a Description, and click
You must change the name if a connection profile already exists with the same name.
Select a Derby driver.
The Properties tabs populate with default template information for the selected driver.
(Optional) Add or modify the Properties information in the Connection or Other Properties tabs.
Click Create Database (If Required) to create a database, if the one you indicated in the Database Location does not exist.
Click Upgrade Database to Current Version if you are using an older version of a Derby database and want to use the version that matches the driver version.
Click Save Password to save the password in the workspace metadata for the database server login.
Unsaved passwords persist only for the current session.
Select Connect When the Wizard Completes to connect to the database server once you finish defining this connection profile.
Select Connect Every Time the Workbench Is Started to automatically connect to the database server using this connection profile when you launch Eclipse.
Test Connection to ping the
server and to verify that the connection profile is working.
(Optional) Click Next to view Summary information.
Click Finish to create the connection profile.