Interface IBindingTagger

public interface IBindingTagger
Implementations are contributed with the org.eclipse.cdt.core.tagger extension-point. The implementation is responsible for populating the tag's data using a given input binding.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    process(ITagWriter tagWriter, IBinding binding, IASTName ast)
    Examines the given input binding to decide if a tag should be created.
  • Method Details

    • process

      ITag process(ITagWriter tagWriter, IBinding binding, IASTName ast)
      Examines the given input binding to decide if a tag should be created. Use the given tagWriter to create data if needed. Return the tag if one was created and null otherwise. A tagger (as identified by it's unique id string) is allowed to create only one tag for each binding.
      tagWriter - the writer to use for creating new tags
      binding - the binding to examine when populating the tag (if needed)
      ast - the AST name from which the binding was created
      the tag if one was created and null otherwise