Interface IASTCompletionNode

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IASTCompletionNode
This represents the node that would occur at the point of a context completion. This node may contain the prefix text of an identifier up to the point. If there is no prefix, the completion occurred at the point where a new token would have begun. The node points to the parent node where this node, if replaced by a proper node, would reside in the tree.
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Details

    • getPrefix

      String getPrefix()
      If the point of completion was at the end of a potential identifier, this string contains the text of that identifier.
      the prefix text up to the point of completion
    • getLength

      int getLength()
      Returns the length of the completion point.
    • containsName

      boolean containsName(IASTName name)
      Returns true if this completion node contains a IASTCompletionNode.CompletionNameEntry with the given name.
    • getNames

      IASTName[] getNames()
      Returns a list of names that fit in this context. If doing computations based on the name's parent, prefer calling getEntries() instead and obtaining the parent from there.
    • getEntries

      Returns a list of names that fir in this context, along with their parents. See IASTCompletionNode.CompletionNameEntry for more details.
    • getTranslationUnit

      IASTTranslationUnit getTranslationUnit()
      Returns the translation unit for this completion.