Class CdtVariableStatus

All Implemented Interfaces:
ICdtVariableStatus, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class CdtVariableStatus extends org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status implements ICdtVariableStatus
This class implements the IBuildMacroStatus interface
  • Constructor Details

    • CdtVariableStatus

      public CdtVariableStatus(int severity, int code, String message, Throwable exception, String macroName, String expression, String referencedName)
      severity - as documented in IStatus
      code - as provided by ICdtVariableStatus.
      message - message, can be null. In this case the default message will be generated base upon the other status info
      exception - a low-level exception, or null if not applicable
      macroName - the name of the build macro whose resolution caused this status creation or null if none
      expression - the string whose resolution caused this status creation or null if none
      referencedName - the macro name referenced in the resolution string that caused this this status creation or null if none
    • CdtVariableStatus

      public CdtVariableStatus(int code, String message, Throwable exception, String macroName, String expression, String referencedName)
      Creates status with the IStatus.ERROR severity
      code - one of the IBuildMacroStatus.TYPE_xxx statusses
      message - message, can be null. In this case the default message will be generated base upon the other status info
      exception - a low-level exception, or null if not applicable
      macroName - the name of the build macro whose resolution caused this status creation or null if none
      expression - the string whose resolutinon caused caused this status creation or null if none
      referencedName - the macro name referenced in the resolution string that caused this this status creation or null if none
    • CdtVariableStatus

      public CdtVariableStatus(int code, String macroName, String expression, String referencedName)
      Creates status with the IStatus.ERROR severity and with the default message
      code - one of the IBuildMacroStatus.TYPE_xxx statusses
      macroName - the name of the build macro whose resolution caused this status creation or null if none
      expression - the string whose resolutinon caused caused this status creation or null if none
      referencedName - the macro name referenced in the resolution string that caused this this status creation or null if none
  • Method Details

    • generateMessage

      protected String generateMessage()
      generates and returns the default status message based upon then status data
    • getVariableName

      public String getVariableName()
      Description copied from interface: ICdtVariableStatus
      returns the name of the build macro whose resolution caused this status creation or null if none
      Specified by:
      getVariableName in interface ICdtVariableStatus
    • getExpression

      public String getExpression()
      Description copied from interface: ICdtVariableStatus
      returns the string whose resolutinon caused caused this status creation or null if none
      Specified by:
      getExpression in interface ICdtVariableStatus
    • getReferencedMacroName

      public String getReferencedMacroName()
      Description copied from interface: ICdtVariableStatus
      returns the macro name referenced in the resolution string that caused this this status creation or null if none
      Specified by:
      getReferencedMacroName in interface ICdtVariableStatus