Uses of Package
Packages that use org.eclipse.jface.window
Provides support for performing structural and textual
compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results.
Provides a generic debugger user interface that clients may customize via standard
workbench extension points.
Provides a user interface for debug platform source lookup facilities.
Provides support for dialogs.
Provides a framework for preferences.
Provides useful building blocks used throughout JFace,
including property change events, a listener list implementation, and runtime
checked assertions.
Provides a framework for viewers, which are model-based
content adapters for SWT widgets.
Provides a general framework for creating and managing
Provides a framework for wizards.
Application programming interface to implement a wizard based user interface for refactorings.
Application programming interface to display and preview refactoring history information.
Application programming interface to actions related to resource refactorings.
Provides basic support for managing Team providers.
Contains the team synchronization presentation framework and support
for the Synchronize View.
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with and extension of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench
window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Application-level APIs for configuring and controling the Eclipse Platform User
Classes for standard dialogs, wizards, and preference
pages in the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Forms-based controls for use in views, editors, and wizards.
APIs for dialogs in the IDE-specific portion of the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with and extension of the product introduction parts.
Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate
with the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Classes for using the preferences support in org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences
Application programming interfaces for interaction
with the Eclipse text editor template support.
Provides the standard Task List view for displaying
tasks and problem annotations on resources.
Provides the standard Import and Export wizards for
moving resources into and out of the workspace.
Provides the standard wizards for creating files,
folders, and projects in the workspace.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.compareClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.debug.uiClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookupClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings.internalClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.jface.dialogsClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.jface.notificationsClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.jface.preferenceClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.jface.util
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.jface.viewersClassDescriptionDefault implementation of ToolTip that provides an iconofied label with font and color controls by subclass.This class gives implementors to provide customized tooltips for any control.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.jface.windowClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.This class gives implementors to provide customized tooltips for any control.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.This interface defines a Exception Handler which can be set as a global handler and will be called if an exception happens in the event loop.A manager for a group of windows.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.jface.wizardClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.resource
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.actions
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.application
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.dialogsClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.formsClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogsClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.internalClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.This interface defines a Exception Handler which can be set as a global handler and will be called if an exception happens in the event loop.A manager for a group of windows.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.intro
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.part
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.preferencesClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.templatesClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internalClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.views.tasklistClassDescriptionInterface for objects that can return a shell.A JFace window is an object that has no visual representation (no widgets) until it is told to open.
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.wizards.datatransfer
Classes in org.eclipse.jface.window used by org.eclipse.ui.wizards.newresource