Uses of Class
Packages that use ContributionItem
Provides support for performing structural and textual
compare operations on arbitrary data and displaying the results.
Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications.
Provides support for shared UI resources such as menus,
tool bars, and status lines.
Classes for actions and operations used in a workbench
window, page, or part in the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Provides the public API and default implementation for contributing menu
and toolbars to the menu service.
Classes for the creation of workbench parts that integrate
with the Eclipse Platform User Interface.
Provides a framework for text editors obeying to the
desktop rules.
Uses of ContributionItem in
Subclasses of ContributionItem in -
Uses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
Subclasses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actionsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Breakpoint ruler pop-up action that creates a sub-menu to select the currently active breakpoint type. -
Uses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt
Subclasses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swtModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Common super class for HandledContributionItem and DirectContributionItemclass
Uses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.jface.action
Subclasses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.jface.actionModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Abstract superclass for group marker classes.class
A contribution item which delegates to an action.class
An abstract contribution item implementation for adding an arbitrary SWT control to a tool bar.class
A group marker is a special kind of contribution item denoting the beginning of a group.class
A separator is a special kind of contribution item which acts as a visual separator and, optionally, acts as a group marker.class
A contribution item to be used with status line managers.class
class provides a wrapper for tool bar managers when used in cool bar managers. -
Uses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.actions
Subclasses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.actionsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
is used to populate a menu manager with New Wizard actions for the current perspective's new wizard shortcuts, including an Other... action to open the new wizard dialog.class
A compound contribution is a contribution item consisting of a dynamic list of contribution items.class
with IDE-specific actions: New Project...class
Deprecated.Workbench no longer exposes the concept of "pages" in the user ui model.class
Deprecated.See IWorkbench.showPerspective methods.class
Deprecated.See IWorkbench.showPerspective methods.class
A menu for opening files in the workbench.class
A menu for perspective selection. -
Uses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.internal
Subclasses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.internalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This class represents a pseudo-group defined by an action set.class
Change the perspective of the active page in the window to the selected one.class
Contribution item for actions provided by plugins via workbench action extension points.class
Contribution item for actions provided by plugins via workbench action extension points.class
A dynamic menu item which supports to switch to other Windows.class
is used to populate a menu manager with Show In actions.class
is used to populate a menu manager with Show View actions.class
A dynamic menu item to switch to other opened workbench windows.class
Menu contribution item which shows a working set. -
Uses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.part
Subclasses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.partModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A group marker used by EditorActionBars to delineate CoolItem groups. -
Uses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
Subclasses of ContributionItem in org.eclipse.ui.texteditorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Contribution item for the status line.