Class FilteredTableBaseHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
IHandler, IHandler2, IExecutableExtension
Direct Known Subclasses:
CycleEditorHandler, CyclePerspectiveHandler, CycleViewHandler, WorkbookEditorsHandler

public abstract class FilteredTableBaseHandler extends AbstractHandler implements IExecutableExtension
Base class to open a dialog to filter and select elements of a Table.
See Also:
  • and CycleBaseHandler
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FilteredTableBaseHandler

      public FilteredTableBaseHandler()
  • Method Details

    • getCurrentItemIndex

      protected int getCurrentItemIndex()
      Get the index of the current item (not valid if there are no items).
    • execute

      public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException
      Description copied from interface: IHandler
      Executes with the map of parameter values by name.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface IHandler
      event - An event containing all the information about the current state of the application; must not be null.
      the result of the execution. Reserved for future use, must be null.
      ExecutionException - if an exception occurred during execution.
    • openDialog

      public void openDialog(WorkbenchPage page, IWorkbenchPart activePart)
    • keepOpen

      protected void keepOpen(Display display, Shell dialog)
      Intended to be overwritten by test classes so the handler won't block the UI thread
    • setDialogLocation

      protected void setDialogLocation(Shell dialog, IWorkbenchPart activePart)
      Sets the dialog's location on the screen.
    • clearTriggers

      protected void clearTriggers()
      Clears the forward and backward trigger sequences.
    • getTriggers

      protected void getTriggers()
      Fetch the key bindings for the forward and backward commands. They will not change while the dialog is open, but the context will. Bug 55581.
    • addModifyListener

      protected void addModifyListener(Text text)
      Add modify listener to the search text, trigger search each time text changes. After the search the first matching result is selected.
    • addKeyListener

      protected void addKeyListener(Text text)
      Add Key Listener to the search text. manage key events on search text
    • getForeground

      protected Color getForeground()
    • getBackground

      protected Color getBackground()
    • addKeyListener

      protected void addKeyListener(Table table, Shell dialog)
      Add Keylistener to the table, user actions can influence the dialog.
    • addTraverseListener

      protected final void addTraverseListener(Table table)
      Adds a listener to the given table that blocks all traversal operations.
      table - The table to which the traversal suppression should be added; must not be null.
    • activate

      protected void activate(IWorkbenchPage page, Object selectedItem)
      Activate the selected item.
      page - the page
      selectedItem - the selected item
    • cancel

      protected void cancel(Shell dialog)
      Close the dialog and set selection to null.
    • ok

      protected void ok(Shell dialog, Table table)
      Close the dialog saving the selection
    • addMouseListener

      protected void addMouseListener(Table table, Shell dialog)
      Add mouse listener to the table closing it when the mouse is pressed.
    • isFiltered

      protected boolean isFiltered()
      True to show search text and enable filtering. False by default
    • getFilter

      protected ViewerFilter getFilter()
      Return the filter to use. Null by default
    • setMatcherString

      protected void setMatcherString(String pattern)
      Set the filter text entered by the User, does nothing by default
      pattern - may be used in overrides
    • getWorkbenchPartReferenceText

      protected String getWorkbenchPartReferenceText(WorkbenchPartReference ref)
      Returns the text for the given WorkbenchPartReference
    • setLabelProvider

      protected void setLabelProvider(TableViewerColumn tableViewerColumn)
      Sets the label provider for the only column visible in the table. Subclasses can override this method to style the table, using a StyledCellLabelProvider.
    • getColumnLabelProvider

      protected ColumnLabelProvider getColumnLabelProvider()
      Default ColumnLabelProvider. The table has only one column
    • getInput

      protected abstract Object getInput(WorkbenchPage page)
      Add all items to the dialog in the activation order
    • getBackwardCommand

      protected abstract ParameterizedCommand getBackwardCommand()
      Get the backward command.
    • getForwardCommand

      protected abstract ParameterizedCommand getForwardCommand()
      Get the forward command.
    • getTableHeader

      protected String getTableHeader(IWorkbenchPart activePart)
      Get TableHeader, return title for non-filtered lists. By default returns an empty String. Subclasses can use the active part to detect the type of object.
      activePart - may be used in overrides
    • getSelection

      public Object getSelection()
    • getWindow

      public IWorkbenchWindow getWindow()
    • getBackwardTriggerSequences

      public TriggerSequence[] getBackwardTriggerSequences()
    • getForwardTriggerSequences

      public TriggerSequence[] getForwardTriggerSequences()
    • setInitializationData

      public void setInitializationData(IConfigurationElement config, String propertyName, Object data)
      Description copied from interface: IExecutableExtension
      This method is called by the implementation of the method IConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension on a newly constructed extension, passing it its relevant configuration information. Most executable extensions only make use of the first two call arguments.

      Regular executable extensions specify their Java implementation class name as an attribute of the configuration element for the extension. For example

           <action run="com.example.BaseAction"/>

      In the above example, this method would be called with a reference to the <action> element (first argument), and "run" as the name of the attribute that defined this executable extension (second argument).

      The last parameter is for the specific use of extension adapters and is typically not used by regular executable extensions.

      There are two supported ways of associating additional adapter-specific data with the configuration in a way that is transparent to the extension point implementor:

      (1) by specifying adapter data as part of the implementation class attribute value. The Java class name can be followed by a ":" separator, followed by any adapter data in string form. For example, if the extension point specifies an attribute "run" to contain the name of the extension implementation, an adapter can be configured as

           <action run="com.example.ExternalAdapter:./cmds/util.exe -opt 3"/>

      (2) by converting the attribute used to specify the executable extension to a child element of the original configuration element, and specifying the adapter data in the form of xml markup. Using this form, the example above would become

               <run class="">
                   <parameter name="exec" value="./cmds/util.exe"/>
                   <parameter name="opt"  value="3"/>

      Form (2) will typically only be used for extension points that anticipate the majority of extensions configured into it will in fact be in the form of adapters.

      In either case, the specified adapter class is instantiated using its 0-argument public constructor. The adapter data is passed as the last argument of this method. The data argument is defined as Object. It can have the following values:

      • null, if no adapter data was supplied
      • in case (1), the initialization data string is passed as a String
      • in case (2), the initialization data is passed as a Hashtable containing the actual parameter names and values (both Strings)
      Specified by:
      setInitializationData in interface IExecutableExtension
      config - the configuration element used to trigger this execution. It can be queried by the executable extension for specific configuration properties
      propertyName - the name of an attribute of the configuration element used on the createExecutableExtension(String) call. This argument can be used in the cases where a single configuration element is used to define multiple executable extensions.
      data - adapter data in the form of a String, a Hashtable, or null.
      See Also: