Class FormEditor

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAdaptable, IExecutableExtension, IPageChangeProvider, IEditorPart, ISaveablePart, IWorkbenchPart, IWorkbenchPart2, IWorkbenchPart3, IWorkbenchPartOrientation
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class FormEditor extends MultiPageEditorPart
This class forms a base of multi-page form editors that typically use one or more pages with forms and one page for raw source of the editor input.

Pages are added 'lazily' i.e. adding a page reserves a tab for it but does not cause the page control to be created. Page control is created when an attempt is made to select the page in question. This allows editors with several tabs and complex pages to open quickly.

Subclasses should extend this class and implement addPages method. One of the two addPage methods should be called to contribute pages to the editor. One adds complete (standalone) editors as nested tabs. These editors will be created right away and will be hooked so that key bindings, selection service etc. is compatible with the one for the standalone case. The other method adds classes that implement IFormPage interface. These pages will be created lazily and they will share the common key binding and selection service. Since 3.1, FormEditor is a page change provider. It allows listeners to attach to it and get notified when pages are changed. This new API in JFace allows dynamic help to update on page changes.

  • Field Details

    • pages

      protected Vector<Object> pages
      An array of pages currently in the editor. Page objects are not limited to those that implement IFormPage, hence the size of this array matches the number of pages as viewed by the user.

      Subclasses can access this field but should not modify it.

  • Constructor Details

    • FormEditor

      public FormEditor()
      The constructor.
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(IEditorSite site, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException
      Overrides super to plug in a different selection provider.
      Specified by:
      init in interface IEditorPart
      init in class MultiPageEditorPart
      site - The site for which this part is being created; must not be null.
      input - The input on which this editor should be created; must not be null.
      PartInitException - If the initialization of the part fails -- currently never.
    • createPages

      protected void createPages()
      Creates the common toolkit for this editor and adds pages to the editor.
      Specified by:
      createPages in class MultiPageEditorPart
      See Also:
    • createPageContainer

      protected Composite createPageContainer(Composite parent)
      Description copied from class: MultiPageEditorPart
      Creates the parent control for the container returned by MultiPageEditorPart.getContainer().

      Subclasses may extend and must call super implementation first.

      createPageContainer in class MultiPageEditorPart
      parent - the parent for all of the editors contents.
      the parent for this editor's container. Must not be null.
    • createToolkit

      protected FormToolkit createToolkit(Display display)
      Creates the form toolkit. The method can be implemented to substitute a subclass of the toolkit that should be used for this editor. A typical use of this method would be to create the form toolkit using one shared FormColors object to share resources across the multiple editor instances.
      display - the display to use when creating the toolkit
      the newly created toolkit instance
    • addPages

      protected abstract void addPages()
      Subclass should implement this method to add pages to the editor using 'addPage(IFormPage)' method.
    • getSelectedPage

      public Object getSelectedPage()
      Description copied from class: MultiPageEditorPart
      Returns the selected page for the current active page index, either the IEditorPart for editors or the Control for other pages.

      Note: clients may override this method to return a page appropriate for their editors. Maybe be null.

      Specified by:
      getSelectedPage in interface IPageChangeProvider
      getSelectedPage in class MultiPageEditorPart
      The IEditorPart or Control representing the current active page, or null if there are no active pages.
      See Also:
    • addPage

      public int addPage(IFormPage page) throws PartInitException
      Adds the form page to this editor. Form page will be loaded lazily. Its part control will not be created until it is activated for the first time.
      page - the form page to add
    • addPage

      public void addPage(int index, IFormPage page) throws PartInitException
      Adds the form page to this editor at the specified index (0-based). Form page will be loaded lazily. Its part control will not be created until it is activated for the first time.
      index - the position to add the page at (0-based)
      page - the form page to add
    • addPage

      public int addPage(Control control)
      Adds a simple SWT control as a page. Overrides superclass implementation to keep track of pages.
      addPage in class MultiPageEditorPart
      control - the page control to add
      the 0-based index of the newly added page
      See Also:
    • addPage

      public void addPage(int index, Control control)
      Adds a simple SWT control as a page. Overrides superclass implementation to keep track of pages.
      addPage in class MultiPageEditorPart
      control - the page control to add
      index - the index at which to add the page (0-based)
      See Also:
    • isDirty

      public boolean isDirty()
      Tests whether the editor is dirty by checking all the pages that implement IFormPage. If none of them is dirty, the method delegates further processing to super.isDirty().
      Specified by:
      isDirty in interface ISaveablePart
      isDirty in class MultiPageEditorPart
      true if any of the pages in the editor are dirty, false otherwise.
    • commitPages

      protected void commitPages(boolean onSave)
      Commits all dirty pages in the editor. This method should be called as a first step of a 'save' operation.
      onSave - true if commit is performed as part of the 'save' operation, false otherwise.
    • addPage

      public int addPage(IEditorPart editor, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException
      Adds a complete editor part to the multi-page editor.
      addPage in class MultiPageEditorPart
      editor - the nested editor
      input - the input for the nested editor
      the index of the new page
      PartInitException - if a new page could not be created
      See Also:
    • addPage

      public void addPage(int index, IEditorPart editor, IEditorInput input) throws PartInitException
      Adds a complete editor part to the multi-page editor at the specified position.
      addPage in class MultiPageEditorPart
      index - the index at which to add the page (0-based)
      editor - the nested editor
      input - the input for the nested editor
      PartInitException - if a new page could not be created
      See Also:
    • configurePage

      protected void configurePage(int index, IFormPage page) throws PartInitException
      Configures the form page.
      index - the page index
      page - the page to configure
      PartInitException - if there are problems in configuring the page
    • removePage

      public void removePage(int pageIndex)
      Overrides the superclass to remove the page from the page table.
      removePage in class MultiPageEditorPart
      pageIndex - the 0-based index of the page in the editor
      See Also:
    • editorDirtyStateChanged

      public void editorDirtyStateChanged()
      Called to indicate that the editor has been made dirty or the changes have been saved.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes the pages and the toolkit after disposing the editor itself. Subclasses must call 'super' when reimplementing the method.
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface IWorkbenchPart
      dispose in class MultiPageEditorPart
    • getToolkit

      public FormToolkit getToolkit()
      Returns the toolkit owned by this editor.
      the toolkit object
    • getActiveEditor

      public IEditorPart getActiveEditor()
      Widens the visibility of the method in the superclass.
      getActiveEditor in class MultiPageEditorPart
      the active nested editor
    • getCurrentPage

      protected int getCurrentPage()
      Returns the current page index. The value is identical to the value of 'getActivePage()' except during the page switch, when this method still has the old active page index.

      Another important difference is during the editor closing. When the tab folder is disposed, 'getActivePage()' will return -1, while this method will still return the last active page.

      the currently selected page or -1 if no page is currently selected
      See Also:
    • pageChange

      protected void pageChange(int newPageIndex)
      Description copied from class: MultiPageEditorPart
      Notifies this multi-page editor that the page with the given id has been activated. This method is called when the user selects a different tab.

      The MultiPageEditorPart implementation of this method sets focus to the new page, and notifies the action bar contributor (if there is one). This checks whether the action bar contributor is an instance of MultiPageEditorActionBarContributor, and, if so, calls setActivePage with the active nested editor. This also fires a selection change event if required.

      Subclasses may extend this method.

      pageChange in class MultiPageEditorPart
      newPageIndex - the index of the activated page
      See Also:
    • setActivePage

      public IFormPage setActivePage(String pageId)
      Sets the active page using the unique page identifier.
      pageId - the id of the page to switch to
      page that was set active or null if not found.
    • findPage

      public IFormPage findPage(String pageId)
      Finds the page instance that has the provided id.
      pageId - the id of the page to find
      page with the matching id or null if not found.
    • setActivePage

      public IFormPage setActivePage(String pageId, Object pageInput)
      Sets the active page using the unique page identifier and sets its input to the provided object.
      pageId - the id of the page to switch to
      pageInput - the page input
      page that was set active or null if not found.
    • selectReveal

      public IFormPage selectReveal(Object pageInput)
      Iterates through the pages calling similar method until a page is found that contains the desired page input.
      pageInput - the object to select and reveal
      the page that accepted the request or null if no page has the desired object.
      See Also:
    • getActivePageInstance

      public IFormPage getActivePageInstance()
      Returns active page instance if the currently selected page index is not -1 and active page is a IFormPage, or null otherwise.
      active page instance if selected, or null if no page is currently active.
      See Also:
    • setActivePage

      protected void setActivePage(int pageIndex)
      Description copied from class: MultiPageEditorPart
      Sets the currently active page.
      setActivePage in class MultiPageEditorPart
      pageIndex - the index of the page to be activated; the index must be valid
      See Also:
    • updateActionBarContributor

      protected void updateActionBarContributor(int pageIndex)
      Notifies action bar contributor about page change.
      pageIndex - the index of the new page
    • close

      public void close(boolean save)
      Closes the editor programmatically.
      save - if true, the content should be saved before closing.