Class HistoryPageSaveablePart

All Implemented Interfaces:
IContentChangeListener, IAdaptable, ISaveableWorkbenchPart, ISaveablePart, IWorkbenchPart

@Deprecated public class HistoryPageSaveablePart extends PageSaveablePart
Displays a history page combined with the compare/merge infrastructure. This only works properly if the history page adapts to an IHistoryCompareAdapter.
  • Constructor Details

    • HistoryPageSaveablePart

      public HistoryPageSaveablePart(Shell shell, CompareConfiguration configuration, IHistoryPageSource pageSource, Object object)
      Create a history page part for the given page and object.
      shell - the parent shell
      configuration - the compare configuration
      pageSource - the page source
      object - the object whose history is to be displayed
  • Method Details

    • showHistoryInDialog

      public static boolean showHistoryInDialog(Shell shell, Object object)
      Show the history for the object in a dialog. The history will only be shown if an IHistoryPageSource can be found for the object.
      shell - the parent sell
      object - the object
      whether the object had an IHistoryPageSource available or not
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Description copied from interface: IWorkbenchPart
      Returns the title of this workbench part. If this value changes the part must fire a property listener event with PROP_TITLE.

      The title is used to populate the title bar of this part's visual container.

      the workbench part title (not null)
    • getTitleImage

      public Image getTitleImage()
      Description copied from interface: IWorkbenchPart
      Returns the title image of this workbench part. If this value changes the part must fire a property listener event with PROP_TITLE.

      The title image is usually used to populate the title bar of this part's visual container. Since this image is managed by the part itself, callers must not dispose the returned image.

      the title image
    • contentChanged

      public void contentChanged(IContentChangeNotifier source)
      Description copied from interface: IContentChangeListener
      Called whenever the content of the given source has changed.
      source - the source whose contents has changed
    • createPage

      protected Control createPage(Composite parent, ToolBarManager toolBarManager)
      Description copied from class: PageSaveablePart
      Create the page for this part and return the top level control for the page.
      Specified by:
      createPage in class PageSaveablePart
      parent - the parent composite
      toolBarManager - the toolbar manager for the page
      the top-level control for the page
    • getSelectionProvider

      protected final ISelectionProvider getSelectionProvider()
      Description copied from class: PageSaveablePart
      Return the selection provider for the page. This method is called after the page is created in order to register a selection listener on the page.
      Specified by:
      getSelectionProvider in class PageSaveablePart
      the selection provider for the page
    • getCompareInput

      protected ICompareInput getCompareInput(ISelection selection)
      Description copied from class: PageSaveablePart
      Return a compare input that represents the selection. This input is used to feed the structure and content viewers. By default, a compare input is returned if the selection is of size 1 and the selected element implements ICompareInput. Subclasses may override.
      getCompareInput in class PageSaveablePart
      selection - the selection
      a compare input representing the selection
    • prepareInput

      protected void prepareInput(ICompareInput input, CompareConfiguration configuration, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException
      Description copied from class: PageSaveablePart
      Prepare the compare input for display in a content viewer. This method is called from PageSaveablePart.prepareCompareInput(ICompareInput) and may be called from a non-UI thread. This method should not be called by others.
      Specified by:
      prepareInput in class PageSaveablePart
      input - the input
      configuration - the compare configuration
      monitor - a progress monitor
      InvocationTargetException - if an error occurs
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: IWorkbenchPart
      Disposes of this workbench part.

      This is the last method called on the IWorkbenchPart. At this point the part controls (if they were ever created) have been disposed as part of an SWT composite. There is no guarantee that createPartControl() has been called, so the part controls may never have been created.

      Within this method a part may release any resources, fonts, images, etc.  held by this part. It is also very important to deregister all listeners from the workbench.

      Clients should not call this method (the workbench calls this method at appropriate times).

      Specified by:
      dispose in interface IWorkbenchPart
      dispose in class SaveablePartAdapter