Class ResourceDiffTree

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDiffTree, IResourceDiffTree

public class ResourceDiffTree extends DiffTree implements IResourceDiffTree
Implementation of IResourceDiffTree.
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceDiffTree

      public ResourceDiffTree()
  • Method Details

    • getResourceFor

      public static IResource getResourceFor(IDiff node)
      Get the resource for the diff node that was obtained from an IResourceDiffTree.
      node - the diff node.
      the resource for the diff node
    • getDiff

      public IDiff getDiff(IResource resource)
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Return the diff for the given resource. This method is a convenience method that uses the path of the resource to access the diff.
      Specified by:
      getDiff in interface IResourceDiffTree
      resource - a resource
      the diff associated with the resource or null if the resource does not have any changes.
    • getResource

      public IResource getResource(IDiff diff)
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Return the resource associated with the given diff. This method will only return meaningful results for diffs which were obtained from this tree.
      Specified by:
      getResource in interface IResourceDiffTree
      diff - a diff
      the resource associated with the given diff
    • accept

      public void accept(ResourceTraversal[] traversals, IDiffVisitor visitor)
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Visit all diffs in this tree that are covered by the given traversals.
      Specified by:
      accept in interface IResourceDiffTree
      traversals - the set of traversals whose diffs are to be visited
      visitor - a diff visitor
    • getDiffs

      public IDiff[] getDiffs(ResourceTraversal[] traversals)
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Return all the diffs in the tree that are contained in the given traversals.
      Specified by:
      getDiffs in interface IResourceDiffTree
      traversals - the traversals
      all the diffs in the tree that are contained in the given traversals
    • getDiffs

      public IDiff[] getDiffs(IResource resource, int depth)
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Return all the diffs in the tree that are found for the given resource when traversed to the given depth.
      Specified by:
      getDiffs in interface IResourceDiffTree
      resource - the resource
      depth - the depth
      all the diffs in the tree that are found for the given resource when traversed to the given depth
    • members

      public IResource[] members(IResource resource)
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Return the members of the given resource that either have diffs in this tree of contain descendants that have diffs in this tree.
      Specified by:
      members in interface IResourceDiffTree
      resource - a resource
      the members of the given resource that either have diffs in this tree of contain descendants that have diffs in this tree
    • getAffectedResources

      public IResource[] getAffectedResources()
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Return all resources that contain diffs in this diff tree.
      Specified by:
      getAffectedResources in interface IResourceDiffTree
      all resources that contain diffs in this diff tree
    • add

      public void add(IDiff delta)
      Description copied from class: DiffTree
      Add the given IDiff to the tree. A change event will be generated unless the call to this method is nested in between calls to beginInput() and endInput(IProgressMonitor) in which case the event for this addition and any other sync set change will be fired in a batched event when endInput is invoked.

      Invoking this method outside of the above mentioned block will result in the endInput(IProgressMonitor) being invoked with a null progress monitor. If responsiveness is required, the client should always nest sync set modifications within beginInput/endInput.

      add in class DiffTree
      delta - the delta to be added to this set.
    • remove

      public void remove(IResource resource)
      Remove the diff associated with the given resource from the tree.
      resource - the resource
    • hasMatchingDiffs

      public boolean hasMatchingDiffs(ResourceTraversal[] traversals, FastDiffFilter filter)
      Description copied from interface: IResourceDiffTree
      Return whether the this diff tree contains any diffs that match the given filter within the given traversals.
      Specified by:
      hasMatchingDiffs in interface IResourceDiffTree
      traversals - the traversals
      filter - the diff node filter
      whether the given diff tree contains any deltas that match the given filter