Class SWTFontProvider


public class SWTFontProvider extends Object
This internal class is used to provide and cache fonts scaled for different zoom levels in the win32 implementation. Depending on the configuration of the SWT application, either a default behavior or the scaling behavior is used. The default behavior mimics the existing behavior that fonts are scaled to the zoom of the primary monitor and are not updated on runtime. The scaling behavior will always take the provided values for the zoom into consideration and return scaled variant of a font if necessary.
  • Constructor Details

    • SWTFontProvider

      public SWTFontProvider()
  • Method Details

    • getSystemFont

      public static Font getSystemFont(Device device, int zoom)
    • getFont

      public static Font getFont(Device device, FontData fontData, int zoom)
    • disposeFontRegistry

      public static void disposeFontRegistry(Device device)