Class DPIZoomChangeRegistry


public class DPIZoomChangeRegistry extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • DPIZoomChangeRegistry

      public DPIZoomChangeRegistry()
  • Method Details

    • applyChange

      public static void applyChange(Widget widget, int newZoom, float scalingFactor)
      Calling this method will propagate the zoom change to all registered handlers that are responsible for the class of the provided widget or one of its super classes or interfaces. Usually there will be multiple handlers called per widget. To have a reliable and consistent execution order, the handler responsible for the most general class in the class hierarchy is called first, e.g. if a Composite is updated, the handlers are executed like (Widget -> Control -> Scrollable -> Composite). Each handler should only take care to update the attributes the class, it is registered for, adds to the hierarchy.
      widget - widget the zoom change shall be applied to
      newZoom - zoom in % of the standard resolution to be applied to the widget
      scalingFactor - factor as division between new zoom and old zoom, e.g. 1.5 for a scaling from 100% to 150%
    • registerHandler

      public static void registerHandler(DPIZoomChangeHandler zoomChangeVisitor, Class<? extends Widget> clazzToRegisterFor)