Interface AccessibleAttributeListener

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, SWTEventListener
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AccessibleAttributeListener extends SWTEventListener
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that handle AccessibleAttribute events.

After creating an instance of a class that implements this interface it can be added to an accessible using the addAccessibleAttributeListener method and removed using the removeAccessibleAttributeListener method.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAttributes

      void getAttributes(AccessibleAttributeEvent e)
      Returns attributes specific to this Accessible object.
      e - an event object containing the following fields:
      • [out] topMargin - the top margin in pixels
      • [out] bottomMargin - the bottom margin in pixels
      • [out] leftMargin - the left margin in pixels
      • [out] rightMargin - the right margin in pixels
      • [out] tabStops - an array of pixel locations
      • [out] justify - whether or not to justify the text
      • [out] alignment - one of SWT#LEFT, SWT#RIGHT or SWT#CENTER
      • [out] indent - the indent in pixels
      • [out] groupLevel - the level of this accessible in its group
      • [out] groupCount - the number of similar children in this accessible's group
      • [out] groupIndex - the index of this accessible in its group
      • [out] attributes - an array of alternating key and value Strings which represent additional (i.e. non predefined) attributes
    • getTextAttributes

      void getTextAttributes(AccessibleTextAttributeEvent e)
      Returns text attributes specific to this Accessible object.
      e - an event object containing the following fields:
      • [in] offset - the 0 based text offset for which to return attribute information
      • [out] start - the 0 based starting offset of the character range over which all text attributes match those of offset
      • [out] end - the 0 based offset after the last character of the character range over which all text attributes match those of offset
      • [out] textStyle - the TextStyle of the character range
      • [out] attributes - an array of alternating key and value Strings that represent additional attributes that do not correspond to TextStyle fields