Class TextEditBasedChange

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
MultiStateTextFileChange, TextChange

public abstract class TextEditBasedChange extends Change
An abstract base implementation of a change which is based on text edits.
  • Constructor Details

    • TextEditBasedChange

      protected TextEditBasedChange(String name)
      Creates a new abstract text edit change with the specified name. The name is a human-readable value that is displayed to users. The name does not need to be unique, but it must not be null.

      The text type of this text edit change is set to txt.

      name - the name of the text edit change
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • addChangeGroup

      public void addChangeGroup(TextEditBasedChangeGroup group)
      Adds a text edit change group. The edits managed by the given text edit change group must be part of the change's root edit.
      group - the text edit change group to add
    • addTextEditGroup

      public void addTextEditGroup(TextEditGroup group)
      Adds a text edit group. This method is a convenience method for calling change.addChangeGroup(new TextEditBasedChangeGroup(change, group));.
      group - the text edit group to add
    • hasOneGroupCategory

      public boolean hasOneGroupCategory(List<GroupCategory> groupCategories)
      Returns true if the change has one of the given group categories. Otherwise false is returned.
      groupCategories - the group categories to check
      whether the change has one of the given group categories
    • getChangeGroups

      public final TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] getChangeGroups()
      Returns the text edit change groups managed by this buffer change.
      the text edit change groups
    • getCurrentContent

      public abstract String getCurrentContent(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException
      Returns the current content of the document this text change is associated with.
      pm - a progress monitor to report progress or null if no progress reporting is desired
      the current content of the text edit change
      CoreException - if the content can't be accessed
    • getCurrentContent

      public abstract String getCurrentContent(IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException
      Returns the current content of the text edit change clipped to a specific region. The region is determined as follows:
      • if expandRegionToFullLine is false then the parameter region determines the clipping.
      • if expandRegionToFullLine is true then the region determined by the parameter region is extended to cover full lines.
      • if surroundingLines > 0 then the given number of surrounding lines is added. The value of surroundingLines is only considered if expandRegionToFullLine is true
      region - the starting region for the text to be returned
      expandRegionToFullLine - if true is passed the region is extended to cover full lines
      surroundingLines - the number of surrounding lines to be added to the clipping region. Is only considered if expandRegionToFullLine is true
      pm - a progress monitor to report progress or null if no progress reporting is desired
      the current content of the text edit change clipped to a region determined by the given parameters.
      CoreException - if an exception occurs while accessing the current content
    • getKeepPreviewEdits

      public boolean getKeepPreviewEdits()
      Returns whether preview edits are remembered for further region tracking or not.
      true if executed text edits are remembered during preview generation; otherwise false
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Description copied from class: Change
      Returns the human readable name of this change. The name MUST not be null.
      Specified by:
      getName in class Change
      the human readable name of this change
    • getPreviewContent

      public abstract String getPreviewContent(TextEditBasedChangeGroup[] changeGroups, IRegion region, boolean expandRegionToFullLine, int surroundingLines, IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException
      Returns a preview of the text edit change clipped to a specific region. The preview is created by applying the text edits managed by the given array of text edit change groups. The region is determined as follows:
      • if expandRegionToFullLine is false then the parameter region determines the clipping.
      • if expandRegionToFullLine is true then the region determined by the parameter region is extended to cover full lines.
      • if surroundingLines > 0 then the given number of surrounding lines is added. The value of surroundingLines is only considered if expandRegionToFullLine is true
      changeGroups - a set of change groups for which a preview is to be generated
      region - the starting region for the clipping
      expandRegionToFullLine - if true is passed the region is extended to cover full lines
      surroundingLines - the number of surrounding lines to be added to the clipping region. Is only considered if expandRegionToFullLine is true
      pm - a progress monitor to report progress or null if no progress reporting is desired
      the current content of the text change clipped to a region determined by the given parameters.
      CoreException - if an exception occurs while generating the preview
      See Also:
    • getPreviewContent

      public abstract String getPreviewContent(IProgressMonitor pm) throws CoreException
      Returns the preview content as a string.
      pm - a progress monitor to report progress or null if no progress reporting is desired
      the preview
      CoreException - if the preview can't be created
    • getTextType

      public String getTextType()
      Returns the text edit change's text type.
      the text edit change's text type
    • setEnabled

      public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Description copied from class: Change
      Sets whether this change is enabled or not.
      setEnabled in class Change
      enabled - true to enable this change; false otherwise
    • setKeepPreviewEdits

      public void setKeepPreviewEdits(boolean keep)
      Controls whether the text edit change should keep executed edits during preview generation.
      keep - if true executed preview edits are kept
    • setTextType

      public void setTextType(String type)
      Sets the text type. The text type is used to determine the content merge viewer used to present the difference between the original and the preview content in the user interface. Content merge viewers are defined via the extension point

      The default text type is txt.

      type - the text type. If null is passed the text type is reseted to the default text type txt.