Class NativeKeyFormatter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class NativeKeyFormatter extends AbstractKeyFormatter

Formats the key sequences and key strokes into the native human-readable format. This is typically what you would see on the menus for the given platform and locale.

  • Constructor Details

    • NativeKeyFormatter

      public NativeKeyFormatter()
  • Method Details

    • format

      public final String format(int key)
      Formats an individual key into a human readable format. This uses an internationalization resource bundle to look up the key. This does the platform-specific formatting for Carbon.
      Specified by:
      format in interface IKeyFormatter
      format in class AbstractKeyFormatter
      key - The key to format.
      The key formatted as a string; should not be null.
    • getKeyDelimiter

      protected String getKeyDelimiter()
      Description copied from class: AbstractKeyFormatter
      An accessor for the delimiter you wish to use between keys. This is used by the default format implementations to determine the key delimiter.
      Specified by:
      getKeyDelimiter in class AbstractKeyFormatter
      The delimiter to use between keys; should not be null.
    • getKeyStrokeDelimiter

      protected String getKeyStrokeDelimiter()
      Description copied from class: AbstractKeyFormatter
      An accessor for the delimiter you wish to use between key strokes. This used by the default format implementations to determine the key stroke delimiter.
      Specified by:
      getKeyStrokeDelimiter in class AbstractKeyFormatter
      The delimiter to use between key strokes; should not be null.
    • sortModifierKeys

      protected int[] sortModifierKeys(int modifierKeys)
      Description copied from class: AbstractKeyFormatter
      Separates the modifier keys from each other, and then places them in an array in some sorted order. The sort order is dependent on the type of formatter.
      Specified by:
      sortModifierKeys in class AbstractKeyFormatter
      modifierKeys - The modifier keys from the key stroke.
      An array of modifier key values -- separated and sorted in some order. Any values in this array that are KeyStroke.NO_KEY should be ignored.