Interface ExternalActionManager.IExecuteCallback

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public static interface ExternalActionManager.IExecuteCallback

A callback for executing execution events. Allows ActionContributionItems to fire useful events.

Clients must not implement this interface and must not extend.

  • Method Details

    • notEnabled

      void notEnabled(IAction action, NotEnabledException exception)
      Fires a NotEnabledException because the action was not enabled.
      action - The action contribution that caused the exception, never null.
      exception - The NotEnabledException, never null.
    • notDefined

      void notDefined(IAction action, NotDefinedException exception)
      Fires a NotDefinedException because the action was not defined.
      action - The action contribution that caused the exception, never null.
      exception - The NotDefinedException, never null.
    • preExecute

      void preExecute(IAction action, Event e)
      Fires an execution event before an action is run.
      action - The action contribution that requires an execution event to be fired. Cannot be null.
      e - The SWT Event, may be null.
    • postExecuteSuccess

      void postExecuteSuccess(IAction action, Object returnValue)
      Fires an execution event when the action returned a success.
      action - The action contribution that requires an execution event to be fired. Cannot be null.
      returnValue - The command's result, may be null.
    • postExecuteFailure

      void postExecuteFailure(IAction action, ExecutionException exception)
      Creates an ExecutionException when the action returned a failure.
      action - The action contribution that caused the exception, never null.
      exception - The ExecutionException, never null.