Class Infocenter


public class Infocenter extends Object
This is a standalone infocenter. It takes care of launching the Eclipse with its help system implementation. This class can be instantiated and used in a Java program, or can be launched from command line. Usage as a Java component:
  • create an instantance of this class
  • call start(), infocenter will run
  • when no longer needed call shutdown().
  • Constructor Details

    • Infocenter

      public Infocenter(String[] options)
      Constructs Infocenter
      options - array of String options and their values

      Option -eclipseHome dir specifies Eclipse installation directory. This directory is a parent to "plugins" directory and eclipse executable. The option must be provided, when current directory from which infocenter is launched, is not the same as Eclipse installation directory.

      Option -host helpServerHost specifies host name of the interface that help server will use. It overrides host name specified in the application server plugin preferences.

      Option -port helpServerPort specifies port number that help server will use. It overrides port number specified in the application server plugin preferences.

      Option -dir rtl sets right-to-left rendering direction of help UI in the browser.

      Option -noexec indicates that Eclipse executable should not be used.

      Additionally, most options accepted by Eclipse execuable are supported.

  • Method Details

    • start

      public void start() throws Exception
      Starts the stand alone infocenter.
    • shutdown

      public void shutdown() throws Exception
      Shuts-down the stand alone infocenter.
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Controls start up and shut down of infocenter from command line.
      args - array of String containing options.
      Options are:
      -command start | shutdown [-eclipsehome eclipseInstallPath] [-host helpServerHost] [-port helpServerPort] [-dir rtl] [-noexec] [platform options] [-vmargs JavaVMarguments]
      • eclipseInstallPath specifies Eclipse installation directory; it must be provided, when current directory is not the same as Eclipse installation directory,
      • helpServerHost specifies host name of the interface that help server will use, it overrides host name specified the application server plugin preferences
      • helpServerPort specifies port number that help server will use, it overrides port number specified the application server plugin preferences.
      • -dir rtl sets right-to-left rendering direction of help UI in the browser.
      • -noexec option indicates that Eclipse executable should not be used.
      • platform options are other options that are supported by Eclipse Executable.