Class TrimBarLayout


public class TrimBarLayout extends Layout
This class manages the Layout of the applications' TrimBar.
  • Field Details

    • SPACER

      public static final String SPACER
      When applied as a tag to a tool control (e.g. LayoutModifierToolControl), it causes the tool control to grab all available space to its right within its containing MTrimBar. Items after a spacer will be aligned to the right side of the MTrimBar.
      See Also:
    • GLUE

      public static final String GLUE
      When applied as a tag to a tool control (e.g. LayoutModifierToolControl) within a MTrimBar, it causes the tool control to be glued to the items to its immediate left and right so that in case the MTrimBar must be wrapped, then the glued items stay together.
      See Also:
    • marginLeft

      public int marginLeft
    • marginRight

      public int marginRight
    • marginTop

      public int marginTop
    • marginBottom

      public int marginBottom
    • wrapSpacing

      public int wrapSpacing
  • Constructor Details

    • TrimBarLayout

      public TrimBarLayout(boolean horizontal)
      Constructor for the TrimBarLayout.
      horizontal - specifies the orientation of the Layout. If true, items are placed in a horizontal orientation, otherwise in a vertical orientation.
  • Method Details

    • computeSize

      protected Point computeSize(Composite composite, int wHint, int hHint, boolean flushCache)
      Description copied from class: Layout
      Computes and returns the size of the specified composite's client area according to this layout.

      This method computes the size that the client area of the composite must be in order to position all children at their preferred size inside the composite according to the layout algorithm encoded by this layout.

      When a width or height hint is supplied, it is used to constrain the result. For example, if a width hint is provided that is less than the width of the client area, the layout may choose to wrap and increase height, clip, overlap, or otherwise constrain the children.

      Specified by:
      computeSize in class Layout
      composite - a composite widget using this layout
      wHint - width (SWT.DEFAULT for preferred size)
      hHint - height (SWT.DEFAULT for preferred size)
      flushCache - true means flush cached layout values
      a point containing the computed size (width, height)
      See Also:
    • layout

      protected void layout(Composite composite, boolean flushCache)
      Description copied from class: Layout
      Lays out the children of the specified composite according to this layout.

      This method positions and sizes the children of a composite using the layout algorithm encoded by this layout. Children of the composite are positioned in the client area of the composite. The position of the composite is not altered by this method.

      When the flush cache hint is true, the layout is instructed to flush any cached values associated with the children. Typically, a layout will cache the preferred sizes of the children to avoid the expense of computing these values each time the widget is laid out.

      When layout is triggered explicitly by the programmer the flush cache hint is true. When layout is triggered by a resize, either caused by the programmer or by the user, the hint is false.

      Specified by:
      layout in class Layout
      composite - a composite widget using this layout
      flushCache - true means flush cached layout values
    • ctrlFromPoint

      public Control ctrlFromPoint(Composite trimComp, Point trimPos)
      Get a Control at a certain position from the TrimBar.
      trimComp - TrimBar Composite
      trimPos - position in the TrimBar
      the Control at the given trimPos Point or null, if the given Point does not fit into any TrimBar-Control's bounds.