Class KeyAssistDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class KeyAssistDialog extends PopupDialog

A dialog displaying a list of key bindings. The dialog will execute a command if it is selected.

The methods on this class are not thread-safe and must be run from the UI thread.

  • Constructor Details

    • KeyAssistDialog

      public KeyAssistDialog(IEclipseContext context, KeyBindingDispatcher associatedKeyboard)
      Constructs a new instance of KeyAssistDialog. When the dialog is first constructed, it contains no widgets. The dialog is first created with no parent. If a parent is required, call setParentShell(). Also, between uses, it might be necessary to call setParentShell() as well.
      context - The context in which this dialog is created; must not be null.
      associatedKeyboard - The key binding listener for the workbench; must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • clearRememberedState

      public void clearRememberedState()
      Clears out the remembered state of the key assist dialog. This includes its width, as well as the selected binding.
    • close

      public boolean close()
      Closes this shell, but first remembers some state of the dialog. This way it will have a response if asked to open the dialog again or if asked to open the keys preference page. This does not remember the internal state.
      close in class PopupDialog
      Whether the shell was already closed.
    • close

      public boolean close(boolean rememberState)
      Closes this shell, but first remembers some state of the dialog. This way it will have a response if asked to open the dialog again or if asked to open the keys preference page.
      rememberState - Whether the internal state should be remembered.
      Whether the shell was already closed.
    • createDialogArea

      protected Control createDialogArea(Composite parent)
      Creates the content area for the key assistant. This creates a table and places it inside the composite. The composite will contain a list of all the key bindings.
      createDialogArea in class PopupDialog
      parent - The parent composite to contain the dialog area; must not be null.
      the dialog area control
    • open

      public int open()
      Opens this dialog. This method can be called multiple times on the same dialog. This only opens the dialog if there is no remembered state; if there is remembered state, then it tries to open the preference page instead.
      open in class PopupDialog
      The return code from this dialog.
      See Also:
    • open

      public int open(Collection<Binding> bindings)
      Opens this dialog with the list of bindings for the user to select from.
      The return code from this dialog.
    • setParentShell

      public void setParentShell(Shell newParentShell)
      Exposing this within the keys package.
      setParentShell in class Window
      newParentShell - The new parent shell; this value may be null if there is to be no parent.
    • isShowingBindings

      public boolean isShowingBindings(Collection<Binding> bindings)
      Tests whether the key assist dialog is currently showing a set of bindings.
      bindings - A set of conflicts or partial matches.
      Whether the key assist dialog shows the bindings.
    • getSelectedBinding

      protected Binding getSelectedBinding()
      Returns the currently selected binding from the table if the table is not disposed
      the currently selected binding or null