Interface ISourceLookupDirector

All Superinterfaces:
IPersistableSourceLocator, IPersistableSourceLocator2, ISourceLocator
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ISourceLookupDirector extends IPersistableSourceLocator2
A source lookup director directs the source lookup process among a set of participants and source containers.

Clients may implement this interface. An abstract implementation is provided by AbstractSourceLookupDirector, which clients should subclass.

  • Method Details

    • getLaunchConfiguration

      ILaunchConfiguration getLaunchConfiguration()
      Returns the launch configuration associated with this source lookup director, or null if none.
      the launch configuration associated with this source lookup director, or null if none
    • getParticipants

      ISourceLookupParticipant[] getParticipants()
      Returns the source lookup participants currently registered with this director, possibly an empty collection.
      the source lookup participants currently registered with this director, possibly an empty collection
    • getSourceContainers

      ISourceContainer[] getSourceContainers()
      Returns the source containers currently registered with this director, possibly an empty collection.
      the source containers currently registered with this director, possibly an empty collection
    • setSourceContainers

      void setSourceContainers(ISourceContainer[] containers)
      Sets the source containers this source lookup director should search when looking for source, possibly an empty collection.
      containers - the source containers this source lookup director should search when looking for source, possibly an empty collection
    • isFindDuplicates

      boolean isFindDuplicates()
      Returns whether to search exhaustively for all source elements with the same name in all registered source containers, or whether to stop searching when the first source element matching the required name is found.
      whether to search exhaustively for all source elements with the same name
    • setFindDuplicates

      void setFindDuplicates(boolean findDuplicates)
      Sets whether to search exhaustively for all source elements with the same name in all registered source containers, or whether to stop searching when the first source element matching the required name is found.
      findDuplicates - whether to search exhaustively for all source elements with the same name
    • initializeParticipants

      void initializeParticipants()
      Notifies this source lookup director that it should initialize its set of source lookup participants.
    • supportsSourceContainerType

      boolean supportsSourceContainerType(ISourceContainerType type)
      Returns whether this source director supports the given type of source location.
      type - source container type
      whether this source director supports the given type of source location
    • clearSourceElements

      void clearSourceElements(Object element)
      Clears any source lookup results associated with the given debug artifact, such that a subsequent lookup will force a new search to be performed.
      element - debug artifact to clear source lookup results for
    • addParticipants

      void addParticipants(ISourceLookupParticipant[] participants)
      Adds the given source lookup participants to this director.
      participants - participants to add
    • removeParticipants

      void removeParticipants(ISourceLookupParticipant[] participants)
      Removes the given source lookup participants from this director.
      participants - participants to remove
    • getId

      String getId()
      Returns the identifier of this type of source locator.
      the identifier of this type of source locator
    • getSourcePathComputer

      ISourcePathComputer getSourcePathComputer()
      Returns the source path computer to use with this source lookup director, possibly null. By default, the source path computer returned is the one associated with this director's launch configuration's type. However, the source path computer can be specified programmatically by calling setSourcePathComputer(...).
      the source path computer to use with this source lookup director, possibly null
    • setSourcePathComputer

      void setSourcePathComputer(ISourcePathComputer computer)
      Sets the source path computer for this source lookup director. This method can be used to override the default source path computer for a launch configuration type. When null is specified the default source path computer will be used (i.e. the one associated with this director's launch configuration's type).
      computer - source path computer or null
    • findSourceElements

      Object[] findSourceElements(Object object) throws CoreException
      Returns a collection of source elements corresponding to the given debug artifact (for example, a stack frame or breakpoint). Returns an empty collection if no source elements are found. This participant's source lookup director specifies if duplicate source elements should be searched for, via isFindDuplicates(). When false the returned collection should contain at most one source element.
      object - the debug artifact for which source needs to be found (e.g., stack frame)
      a collection of source elements corresponding to the given debug artifact, possibly empty
      CoreException - if an exception occurs while searching for source
    • getSourceElement

      Object getSourceElement(Object element)
      Returns a source element that corresponds to the given debug artifact, or null if a source element could not be located. This is a generalization of getSourceElement(IStackFrame) to allow source to be found for other types of elements.
      element - the debug artifact for which to locate source
      an object representing a source element.
    • equalSourceElements

      default boolean equalSourceElements(Object element1, Object element2)
      Answers if the objects should be considered as same source elements (e.g. resulting in the physically same storage element), independently if in the modelled world they may be different views on same data.
      element1 - first source element
      element2 - second source element
      Returns true if two source elements represent physically same data. Default implementation just delegates to Objects.equals(Object, Object).