Interface IDebugTarget

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IBreakpointListener, IDebugElement, IDisconnect, IMemoryBlockRetrieval, ISuspendResume, ITerminate

A debug target is a debuggable execution context. For example, a debug target may represent a debuggable process or a virtual machine. A debug target is the root of the debug element hierarchy. A debug target contains threads. Minimally, a debug target supports the following:
  • terminate
  • suspend/resume
  • breakpoints
  • disconnect

Generally, launching a debug session results in the creation of a debug target. Launching is a client responsibility, as is debug target creation.

Clients may implement this interface.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getProcess

      IProcess getProcess()
      Returns the system process associated with this debug target.
      the system process associated with this debug target
    • getThreads

      IThread[] getThreads() throws DebugException
      Returns the threads contained in this debug target. An empty collection is returned if this debug target contains no threads.
      a collection of threads
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • hasThreads

      boolean hasThreads() throws DebugException
      Returns whether this debug target currently contains any threads.
      whether this debug target currently contains any threads
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • getName

      String getName() throws DebugException
      Returns the name of this debug target. Name format is debug model specific, and should be specified by a debug model.
      this target's name
      DebugException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
      • Failure communicating with the debug target. The DebugException's status code contains the underlying exception responsible for the failure.
    • supportsBreakpoint

      boolean supportsBreakpoint(IBreakpoint breakpoint)
      Returns whether this target can install the given breakpoint.
      breakpoint - breakpoint to consider
      whether this target can install the given breakpoint