Interface IFileBufferManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IFileBufferManager
A file buffer manager manages file buffers for files while the files are connected to the file buffer manager. In order to connect a file to a file buffer manager call connect. After that call has successfully completed the file buffer can be obtained by getFileBuffer. The file buffer is created on the first connect and disposed on the last disconnect. I.e. the file buffer manager keeps track of how often a file is connected and returns the same file buffer to each client as long as the file is connected.

Clients are not supposed to implement that interface.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Details

    • connect

      @Deprecated void connect(IPath location, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Connects the file at the given location to this manager. After that call successfully completed it is guaranteed that each call to getFileBuffer returns the same file buffer until disconnect is called.

      The provided location is either a full path of a workspace resource or an absolute path in the local file system. The file buffer manager does not resolve the location of workspace resources in the case of linked resources.

      location - the location of the file to be connected
      monitor - the progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      CoreException - if the file could not successfully be connected
    • connect

      void connect(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Connects the file at the given location to this manager. After that call successfully completed it is guaranteed that each call to getFileBuffer returns the same file buffer until disconnect is called.

      The type of the provided location is specified by the given locationKind.

      location - the location of the file to be connected
      locationKind - the kind of the given location
      monitor - the progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      CoreException - if the file could not successfully be connected
      See Also:
    • connectFileStore

      void connectFileStore(IFileStore fileStore, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Connects the given file store to this manager. After that call successfully completed it is guaranteed that each call to getFileBuffer returns the same file buffer until disconnect is called.

      Note: This API must not be used if the given file store maps to a resource contained in the workspace. A file buffer that has been connected using a path will not be found. The encoding of the file in the workspace will not be considered.

      We had to use a different name than connect for this method due to

      fileStore - the file store to be connected
      monitor - the progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      CoreException - if the file could not successfully be connected
    • disconnect

      @Deprecated void disconnect(IPath location, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Disconnects the file at the given location from this manager. After that call successfully completed there is no guarantee that getFileBuffer will return a valid file buffer.

      The provided location is either a full path of a workspace resource or an absolute path in the local file system. The file buffer manager does not resolve the location of workspace resources in the case of linked resources.

      location - the location of the file to be disconnected
      monitor - the progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      CoreException - if the file could not successfully be disconnected
    • disconnect

      void disconnect(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Disconnects the file at the given location from this manager. After that call successfully completed there is no guarantee that getFileBuffer will return a valid file buffer.

      The type of the provided location is specified by the given locationKind.

      location - the location of the file to be disconnected
      locationKind - the kind of the given location
      monitor - the progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      CoreException - if the file could not successfully be disconnected
      See Also:
    • disconnectFileStore

      void disconnectFileStore(IFileStore fileStore, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Disconnects the given file store from this manager. After that call successfully completed there is no guarantee that getFileBuffer will return a valid file buffer.

      Note: This API must not be used if the given file store maps to a resource contained in the workspace. A file buffer that has been connected using a path will not be found. The encoding of the file in the workspace will not be considered.

      We had to use a different name than disconnect for this method due to

      fileStore - the file store to be disconnected
      monitor - the progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      CoreException - if the file could not successfully be disconnected
    • getFileBuffer

      @Deprecated IFileBuffer getFileBuffer(IPath location)
      As of 3.3, replaced by getFileBuffer(IPath, LocationKind)
      Returns the file buffer managed for the given location or null if there is no such file buffer.

      The provided location is either a full path of a workspace resource or an absolute path in the local file system. The file buffer manager does not resolve the location of workspace resources in the case of linked resources.

      location - the location
      the file buffer managed for that location or null
    • getFileBuffer

      IFileBuffer getFileBuffer(IPath location, LocationKind locationKind)
      Returns the file buffer managed for the given location or null if there is no such file buffer.

      The type of the provided location is specified by the given locationKind.

      location - the location
      locationKind - the kind of the given location
      the file buffer managed for that location or null
      See Also:
    • getFileStoreFileBuffer

      IFileBuffer getFileStoreFileBuffer(IFileStore fileStore)
      Returns the file buffer managed for the given file store or null if there is no such file buffer.

      Note: This API must not be used if the given file store maps to a resource contained in the workspace. A file buffer that has been connected using a path will not be found. The encoding of the file in the workspace will not be considered.

      We had to use a different name than getFileBuffer for this method due to

      fileStore - the file store
      the file buffer managed for that file store or null
    • getFileBuffers

      IFileBuffer[] getFileBuffers()
      Returns all managed file buffers that are currently connected.

      Note: It is the clients responsibility to handle disconnected file buffers as buffers can be disconnected after calling this method.

      the file buffers managed by this file buffer manager
      See Also:
    • getFileStoreFileBuffers

      IFileBuffer[] getFileStoreFileBuffers()
      Returns all managed file store file buffers that are currently connected.

      Note: It is the clients responsibility to handle disconnected file buffers as buffers can be disconnected after calling this method.

      the file buffers managed by this file buffer manager
      See Also:
    • setSynchronizationContext

      void setSynchronizationContext(ISynchronizationContext context)
      Sets the synchronization context for this file buffer manager, i.e., for all file buffers this manager manages.
      context - the synchronization context managed by this file buffer manager
    • execute

      void execute(Runnable runnable)
      Executes the given runnable in the synchronization context of this file buffer manager. If there is no synchronization context connected with this manager, the runnable is directly executed.
      runnable - the runnable to be executed
    • requestSynchronizationContext

      @Deprecated void requestSynchronizationContext(IPath location)
      The caller requests that the synchronization context is used to synchronize the given location with its file buffer. This call as no effect if there is no file buffer managed for the given location.

      The provided location is either a full path of a workspace resource or an absolute path in the local file system. The file buffer manager does not resolve the location of workspace resources in the case of linked resources.

      location - the location
    • releaseSynchronizationContext

      @Deprecated void releaseSynchronizationContext(IPath location)
      The caller no longer requests the synchronization context for the file buffer managed for the given location. This method has no effect if there is no file buffer managed for this location.

      The provided location is either a full path of a workspace resource or an absolute path in the local file system. The file buffer manager does not resolve the location of workspace resources in the case of linked resources.

      location - the location
    • addFileBufferListener

      void addFileBufferListener(IFileBufferListener listener)
      Adds the given listener to the list of file buffer listeners. After that call the listener is informed about changes related to this file buffer manager. If the listener is already registered with the file buffer, this call has no effect.
      listener - the listener to be added
    • removeFileBufferListener

      void removeFileBufferListener(IFileBufferListener listener)
      Removes the given listener from the list of file buffer listeners. If the listener is not registered with this file buffer, this call has no effect.
      listener - the listener to be removed
    • validateState

      void validateState(IFileBuffer[] fileBuffers, IProgressMonitor monitor, Object computationContext) throws CoreException
      Validates the state of the given file buffers and tries to bring the buffer's underlying file into a state in which it can be modified. File buffers which do not support state validation are left untouched.

      In case of a single file buffer, IFileBuffer.validateState(IProgressMonitor, Object) should be used.

      fileBuffers - the file buffers to validate
      monitor - the progress monitor, or null if progress reporting is not desired
      computationContext - the context in which the validation is performed, e.g., a SWT shell
      CoreException - if the underlying file can not be accessed or its state cannot be changed