Class Properties


public class Properties extends Object
Contains static methods to operate on or return IProperty objects.
  • Constructor Details

    • Properties

      public Properties()
  • Method Details

    • observeEach

      @SafeVarargs public static <E, P> IObservableMap<E,? extends P>[] observeEach(IObservableSet<E> domainSet, IValueProperty<? super E,? extends P>... properties)
      Returns an array of observable maps where each map observes the corresponding value property on all elements in the given domain set, for each property in the given array.
      domainSet - the set of elements whose properties will be observed
      properties - array of value properties to observe on each element in the domain map's values collection
      an array of observable maps where each map observes the corresponding value property of the given domain set
    • observeEach

      @SafeVarargs public static <K, V, P> IObservableMap<K,? extends P>[] observeEach(IObservableMap<K,V> domainMap, IValueProperty<? super V,? extends P>... properties)
      Returns an array of observable maps where each maps observes the corresponding value property on all elements in the given domain map's values collection, for each property in the given array.
      domainMap - the map of elements whose properties will be observed
      properties - array of value properties to observe on each element in the domain map's values collection
      a list of observable maps where each maps observes the corresponding value property on all elements in the given domain map's values collection, for each property in the given array
    • selfValue

      public static <T> IValueProperty<T,T> selfValue(Object valueType)
      Returns a value property which takes the source object itself as the property value. This property may be used to wrap an object in an unmodifiable IObservableValue.
      valueType - the value type of the property
      a value property which takes the source object itself as the property value.
    • selfList

      public static <E> IListProperty<List<E>,E> selfList(Object elementType)
      Returns a list property which takes the source object (a List) as the property list. This property may be used to wrap an arbitrary List instance in an IObservableList.
      elementType - the element type of the property
      a list property which takes the source object (a List) as the property list.
    • selfSet

      public static <E> ISetProperty<Set<E>,E> selfSet(Object elementType)
      Returns a set property which takes the source object (a Set) as the property set. This property may be used to wrap an arbitrary Set instance in an IObservableSet.
      elementType - the element type of the property
      a set property which takes the source object (a Set) as the property set.
    • selfMap

      public static <K, V> IMapProperty<Map<K,V>,K,V> selfMap(Object keyType, Object valueType)
      Returns a map property which takes the source object (a Map) as the property map. This property may be used to wrap an arbitrary Map instance in an IObservableMap.
      keyType - the key type of the property
      valueType - the value type of the property
      a map property which takes the source object (a Map as the property map.
    • observableValue

      public static <T> IValueProperty<IObservableValue<T>,T> observableValue(Object valueType)
      Returns a value property which observes the value of an IObservableValue. This property may be used e.g. for observing the respective values of an IObservableList < IObservableValue >.

      Calls to IValueProperty.observe(Object) or IValueProperty.observe(Realm, Object) just cast the argument to IObservableValue and return it (the realm argument is ignored).

      valueType - the value type of the property
      a value property which observes the value of an IObservableValue.
    • convertedValue

      public static <S, T> IValueProperty<S,T> convertedValue(Object valueType, Function<? super S,? extends T> converter)
      Returns an IValueProperty whose value results from applying the given conversion function on the source object of the value property. Setting a value on the property is not supported.
      valueType - value type of the property (after conversion); null if untyped
      converter - converter to apply to the source object of the value property; not null
      new instance of a value property, whose value is the result of applying the given converter to the source object
    • convertedValue

      public static <S, T> IValueProperty<S,T> convertedValue(Function<? super S,? extends T> converter)
      Returns an untyped IValueProperty. Equivalent to convertedValue(null, converter).
      converter - see convertedValue(Object, Function)
      see convertedValue(Object, Function)