Product Splash

The Splash page provides the ability to customize your product with a splash screen and a template or a progress bar and message.


The splash screen is typically located at the root of the product-defining plug-in and must be called splash.bmp.

Splash screen location

Alternately, you may choose to place it at the root of any other plug-in in the product (the name restriction stands).


To customize the startup of a product, you can use either a splash screen template or a progress bar and message.

Splash screen location

Splash screen templates contribute custom behavior to the splash screen that appears during startup. The Template combo contains three templates available for your convenience. During the export process the selected template's required code will be added and a org.eclipse.ui.splashHandlers extension will be created. Please be aware that you may only use a splash screen template if your platform is built with 3.3 or higher.

Another option to customize your product is to use the integrated progress bar in the Eclipse splash screen by specifying the co-ordinates of the progress bar and progress message, as well as the text color. The integrated progress data is specified using properties in the org.eclipse.core.runtime.products extension.