

When using the Pivot metamodel, there are two specialized validators available to support integration of OCL in to a larger Ecore environment.

Validation Code

Before we describe OCL validation we need to review standard EMF validation.

Static / Global Validation

EMF validation comprises two phases.

The first initialization phase populates the global validation registry EValidator.Registry.INSTANCE with a mapping from an EPackage whose elements need validation to the derived EValidator that will perform the validation. This initialization is typically performed at the end of the XXXPackageImpl.init() auto-generated by genmodel.

EValidator.Registry.INSTANCE.put(myEPackage, myEValidator);

For standalone usage, this is executed as a side effect of referencing the model by e.g. XXXPackage.eINSTANCE. For IDE usage, the org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package extension point ensures timely initialization. Either way, the initialization normally occurs without any special programming effort.

The second validation phase offers each model element to an appropriate EValidator and accumulates the results as a list of BasicDiagnostic. The Diagnostician is often used to orchestrate this using code such as:

Diagnostician diagnostician = Diagnostician.INSTANCE;
Map<Object, Object> context = diagnostician.createDefaultContext();
BasicDiagnostic diagnostics = diagnostician.createDefaultDiagnostic(eObject);
diagnostician.validate(eObject, diagnostics, context);

Dynamic / Local Validation

An EMF ResourceSet provides a local EPackage.Registry and Resource.Factory.Registry that delegates to the corresponding global registry. This allows an EMF-based application to register the EPackage and ResourceFactory for an application-specific purpose without leaking them to other applications. This also allows the garbage collector to clean up when an application completes. Unfortunately EMF provides no corresponding support for a local EValidator.Registry. This provides a significant challenge for the OCL tooling where for instance an application may load a Complete OCL document with additional constraints that need validation. These additions should not affect other concurrent or subsequent applications.

OCL EValidator registration pre 2023-12

With only a global validation registry available, the old approach was to install the dynamic contributions into the global registry using a ComposedEValidator to ensure that multiple validators are registered with the appropriate one chosen according to the ResourceSet of the validated EObject.

This sort of works, but impairs garbage collection and has given trouble to users attempting to run multiple editors.

OCL EValidator registration post 2023-12

The 2023-12 OCL release introduces a local validation registry using ValidationRegistryAdapter to install a ValidationRegistryImpl as a ResourceSet Adapter. It delegates to the global validation registry. A ComposedEValidator may still be used to compose a CompleteOCLEValidator and a regular EObjectValidator but they are ResourceSet-specific and so do not impose a GC-lockin via a global facility.

Use of a local validation registry has a significant impact on application code.

It is no longer possible to register OCL validators in some convenient initialization method. Validation Registry initialization, just like Resource Factory initialization cannot occur until the ResourceSet is created.

.put(myEPackage, myEValidator);

It is no longer possible to use Diagnostician.INSTANCE to orchestrate validation. The variant constructor with a validation registry argument must be used.

Diagnostician diagnostician = new Diagnostician(

Optionally the new ValidationContext may be used in place of the Map<Object,Object> to support the following idiom

ValidationRegistryAdapter validationRegistry =
ValidationContext validationContext = new ValidationContext(validationRegistry);
Diagnostician diagnostician = validationContext.getDiagnostician();
Diagnostic diagnostics = diagnostician.validate(myEObject, validationContext);

If the Diagnostician is unaware of the local validation registry, any validators registered locally will be ignored. An error message is generated in the console log if global registration is attempted.

OCL Validators

The OCL project provides a variety of validators.


Unfortunately EMF does not yet (2023-12 at time of writing) support message customization and so it must be activated by explicitly using an EValidator that is aware of the ValidationDelegateExtension extended API. This is available by using the OCLinEcoreEObjectValidator, which you may install globally by:

EValidator.Registry.INSTANCE.put(null, new OCLinEcoreEObjectValidator());

but much better locally

ValidationRegistryAdapter.getAdapter(myResourceSet).put(null, new OCLinEcoreEObjectValidator());

or more selectively by adjusting the inheritance of the Validator class generated by EMF from (for a model of a Company):

import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EObjectValidator;
 * <!-- begin-user-doc --
 * The <b>Validator</b> for the model
 * <!-- end-user-doc --
 * @see company.CompanyPackag
public class CompanyValidator extends EObjectValidator 


import org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.oclinecore.validation.OCLinEcoreEObjectValidator;
 * <!-- begin-user-doc --
 * The <b>Validator</b> for the model
 * <!-- end-user-doc --
 * @see company.CompanyPackag
 * @generated not
public class CompanyValidator extends OCLinEcoreEObjectValidator 

Note the @generated not that indicates that the class interface is manually defined. Do not use @generated NOT since that indicates that the whole class is manually defined.


The CompleteOCLEObjectValidator is used to enable Complete OCL documents to participate in the validation processing of an Xtext editor.

The APIs for merging Complete OCL and Ecore as intermediate Pivots and then migrating the Pivot back to Ecore are experimental.