Class ClassLoaderImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, IClassLoader, IInstance, IObject

public class ClassLoaderImpl extends InstanceImpl implements IClassLoader
Implementation of a Java object representing a java.lang.ClassLoader object. As well as standard object information it contains information about the class loader and summary details about classes loaded by this class loader.
See Also:
No Extend:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ClassLoaderImpl

      public ClassLoaderImpl(int objectId, long address, ClassImpl clazz, List<Field> fields)
      Constructs a class loader object.
      objectId - the object id
      address - the actual address of the object
      clazz - its type
      fields - the fields of the object
  • Method Details

    • getClassSpecificName

      public String getClassSpecificName()
      Description copied from interface: IObject
      Get class specific name of this object which depends on the availability of the appropriate name resolver, e.g. for a String the value of the char[].
      Specified by:
      getClassSpecificName in interface IObject
      getClassSpecificName in class AbstractObjectImpl
      class specific name of the given snapshot object or null if it can't be resolved
    • getDefinedClasses

      public List<IClass> getDefinedClasses() throws SnapshotException
      Description copied from interface: IClassLoader
      Returns the classes defined by this class loader instance.
      Specified by:
      getDefinedClasses in interface IClassLoader
      a list of classes defined by this class loader
      SnapshotException - if there is a problem retrieving the information
    • getRetainedHeapSizeOfObjects

      public long getRetainedHeapSizeOfObjects(boolean calculateIfNotAvailable, boolean calculateMinRetainedSize, IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException
      Description copied from interface: IClassLoader
      Returns the retained size of all objects and classes loaded by this class loader.
      Specified by:
      getRetainedHeapSizeOfObjects in interface IClassLoader
      calculateIfNotAvailable - if false only return a cached version of the size
      calculateMinRetainedSize - if true then when calculating use an approximation
      listener - to indicate progress and errors
      the retained size, negative if approximate
    • doGetDefinedClasses

      public static final List<IClass> doGetDefinedClasses(ISnapshot dump, int classLoaderId) throws SnapshotException
      Gets the classes defined by a given loader
      dump - the snapshot
      classLoaderId - the class loader to look for
      a list of classes
      SnapshotException - problem retrieving the information
    • doGetRetainedHeapSizeOfObjects

      public static final long doGetRetainedHeapSizeOfObjects(ISnapshot dump, int classLoaderId, boolean calculateIfNotAvailable, boolean calculateMinRetainedSize, IProgressListener listener) throws SnapshotException
      Calculates the retained size of all classes and instances of the class loaded by a class loader.
      dump - the snapshot
      classLoaderId - the class loader if
      calculateIfNotAvailable - true if to skip calculations if not already done
      calculateMinRetainedSize - true if to make an approximate calculation
      listener - to indicate progress, errors and to cancel
      the size, negative if approximate
      SnapshotException - problem retrieving the information