Uses of Package

Packages that use org.eclipse.mat
Package for general Memory Analyzer exceptions, usable from any plug-in.
This provides the parser for IBM Diagnostic Tooling Framework for Java (DTFJ) dumps, and is just a parser extension, not an Application Programming Interface (API).
Parser for HPROF dumps, just a parser extension, not an Application Programming Interface (API).
Generator of HPROF dumps from other running processes on the system, just a acquire dumps extension, not an Application Programming Interface (API).
Extension point interfaces for HPROF dumps.
Create IBM dumps - this is an internal package not intended as an Application Programming Interface (API) except as an extension.
These are general queries.
Code for reading data from collections found in a snapshot.
These are queries for debugging Eclipse based applications.
These are queries for the Jetty web server.
These are utilities for the OSGi bundle queries.
These are queries for Threads.
These are queries for the application servers Wildfly and JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.
Support for collecting arguments for acquiring heap dumps from running programs.
Code for reading data from collections found in a snapshot.
Collects arguments for queries.
These are queries for dominator tree and paths to/from garbage collection roots.
These are queries for snapshots generated by JRuby applications.
Interfaces for handling indexes.
Implementations for handling indexes.
Implementations for building the snapshot (not API).
Object Query Language (OQL) (not API).
Object Query Language (OQL) compiler (not API).
Utilities for performing basic operations on the snapshot (not API).
The implementation of key snapshot objects such as representing classes, arrays, and objects in the snapshot.
Package for examining and controlling results of running queries.
Value or linear frequency distribution histograms.
A way of controlling the detail given by the output of a query.
Package for getting a list of queries and examining their capabilities and setting them up.
Controls building of reports from XML report definitions.
Internal classes for controlling building of reports from XML report definitions (not API).
The Snapshot API, a VM independent way of looking at a snapshot of the state of objects in a heap.
Classes to help get a snapshot from a current running process on the system.
Interfaces that extend the information extracted from heap dumps like threads, name resolvers etc.
Snapshot entities, for example class, instances, class loaders, fields, GC roots.
Utilities to develop heap dump queries.
User interface plug-in definitions and query execution for UI components (not API).
Acquire heap dumps from other running processes - user interface (not API).
Examine list of queries and query history - user interface (not API).
Allows a user to specify arguments for a query - user interface (not API).
Utility classes for toolbars, popup menu, searching on typing - user interface (not API).