CVS Console

The CVS Console displays the output from current and recent CVS operations.

CVS Console

The extra commands available in the CVS Console are listed below.

CVS Console Commands





Copy Selected Console Material Copy Copies the selected material from the console onto the system clipboard. Context menu
Cut Selected Console Material Cut Copies the selected material to the system clipboard and removes it from the console. Context menu
  Find/Replace Allows you to search for and replace a specified expression. Context menu
  Open Link Allows you to follow the hyperlink which was right-clicked on in the current stacktrace. Context menu
Paste Into Console Paste Pastes material saved on the system clipboard into the current console. Context menu
  Select All Selects all of the contents of the current console. Context menu
Java views
Java perspectives Changing the appearance of the console view
Views and editors Console View
Process Console
Stacktrace Console