Navigate Actions

Navigate menu commands:



Keyboard Shortcut

Go Into

Sets the view input to the currently selected element. Supported by the Package Explorer view.


Go To

  • Back: Sets the view input to the input back in history: Only enabled when a history exists (Go Into was used)
  • Forward: Sets the view input to the input forward in history: Only enabled when a history exists (Go IntoGo To > Back were used)
  • Up One Level: Sets the input of the current view to its input's parent element
  • Type: Browse for a type and reveal it in the current view. Supported by the Package Explorer view
  • Package: Browse for a package and reveal it in the current view. Supported by the Package Explorer view
  • Resource: Browse for a resource and reveal it in the current view.

Open Declaration

Tries to resolve the element referenced at the current code selection and opens the file declaring the reference. 


Open Type Hierarchy

Tries to resolve the element referenced at the current code selection and opens the element in the Type Hierarchy view. Invoked on elements, opens the type hierarchy of the element. Supported in the Java editor and views showing Java elements.


Open Call Hierarchy

Tries to resolve the method referenced at the current code selection and opens the element in the Call Hierarchy view.


Open Implementation

Opens the implementation of the currently selected method or type if there's only one implementor, else opens the Quick Type Hierarchy on it.


Open Super Implementation

Open an editor for the super implementation of the currently selected method or method surrounding the current cursor position. No editor is opened if no method is selected or the method has no super implementation.

Open Attached Javadoc Opens the Javadoc documentation of the currently selected element or text selection. The location of the Javadoc of a JAR or a project is specified in the Javadoc location property page on projects or JARs. Note that this attached Javadoc documentation may not be up to date with the Javadoc specified in the current code. You can create Javadoc documentation for source files in a Java project using the Javadoc export wizard Shift+F2
Open from Clipboard Tries to open the matching Java element in the editor if the clipboard contains a single line. Otherwise it opens the contents in the Java Stack Trace Console. Examples:
  • java.lang.String
  • String
  • String#getBytes
  • String.getBytes
  • java.lang.String.getBytes(String)
  • at java.lang.String.matches(
  • java.lang.String.valueOf(char) line: 1456
  • currentTimeMillis()
Open Type Brings up the Open Type dialog to open a type in the editor. The Open Type selection dialog shows all types existing in the workspace. Ctrl+Shift+T
Open Type In Hierarchy Brings up the Open Type dialog to open a type in the editor and the Type Hierarchy view. The Open Type selection dialog shows all types that exist in the workspace. Ctrl+Shift+H

Open Resource

Opens the Open Resource dialog to open any resource in your workspace.


Show In Breadcrumb

Shows the currently selected element in the breadcrub bar of the Java editor. Ctrl+Shift+B
Show In Choose to show the currently selected element in
  • Package Explorer
  • History
  • Navigator
  • Outline
Quick Outline Opens the lightweight outliner for the currently selected type.

Pressing Ctrl+O a second time will show all inherited fields, types and methods as well (for the types marked with Triangle on the left). Inherited members are shown in blue.

Quick Type Hierarchy Opens the lightweight hierarchy viewer for the currently selected type.

Pressing Ctrl+T while the type hierarchy view is shown will toggle between supertype hierarchy and subtype hierarchy.

Last Edit Location Reveals the location where the last edit occurred. Ctrl+Q
Go to Line Opens a dialog which allows entering the line number to which the editor should jump to. Editor only. Ctrl+L
Back Reveals the previous editor location in the location history. Alt+Left
Forward Reveals the next editor location in the location history. Alt+Right
Java views
Java development tools (JDT) Opening an editor for a selected element
Showing an element in the package explorer
Opening a type in the package explorer
Opening an editor on a type
Opening a package Package Explorer view
Type Hierarchy view
Javadoc location properties
Javadoc export wizard