Source Menu actions

Name Function Keyboard Shortcut
Adds or removes single-line, C++-style, comment markers on each line in the selection, or the line containing the cursor, if there is no selection Ctrl+/
Adds a block comment around the selection Ctrl+Shift+/
Removes the comment markers around any block comments in the selection Ctrl+Shift+\
Increases indentation on each line in the selection, or the line containing the cursor, if there is no selection  
Decreases indentation on each line in the selection, or the line containing the cursor, if there is no selection Shift+Tab
Applies simple indentation rules to the current selection, or the line containing the cursor, if there is no selection Ctrl+I
Applies the full command linkC/C++ > Code Style > Formatter preferences to the entire contents of the active editor, or to the selection if there is one Ctrl+Shift+F
Adds an include statement and, optionally, a "using" declaration for the currently selected name Ctrl+Shift+N
Adds all the required includes for the selected file  
Sorts the selected lines Ctrl+Alt+S
Opens the Implement Method dialog  
Opens the Generate Getters and Setters dialog that allows you to create Getters and Setters for fields in the current type. Available on fields and types or on a text selection inside a type  
Surrounds the selected statements with a code template (as defined in command linkC/C++ > Editor > Templates ) Alt+Shift+Z

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