Scalability preferences

Use the Scalability preference panel to configure options for dealing with large source files.

Scalability Preferences

Scalability Preference Options
Option Description
Alert me when scalability mode will be turned on If enabled, an information dialog pops up when a large file is opened with the C/C++ Editor which exceeds the specified line limit.
Enable scalability mode options when the number of lines in the file is more than If the number of lines in a file exceeds the specified number the C/C++ Editor will enable scalability mode and all scalability mode options below will take effect.
Enable all scalability mode options If enabled, all options below are enabled, too.
Disable editor live parsing If enabled, parsing while typing will be disabled. This disables also other features like Outline view, semantic highlighting, folding, etc.
Disable semantic highlighting If enabled, C/C++ identifiers will not be colored.
Disable syntax coloring If enabled, no coloring of keywords, comments and literals is done.
Disable parsing-based content assist proposals If enabled, content assist proposals which require parsing the file will not be available.
Disable content assist auto-activation If enabled, content assist will not be activated automatically on trigger sequences, like '.', '::' or '->'.
Skip trivial expressions in initializer lists If enabled, trivial initializers in initializer lists are skipped while parsing. This improves parsing and indexing performance when very large initializer lists are present.
Maximum number of trivial expressions in initializer lists to parse Specifies the maximum number of trivial initializers in initializer lists to parse. Any trivial initializer-clauses beyond that number are skipped. This option is only available if Skip trivial expressions in initializer lists is enabled.

Related concepts
Coding aids

Related tasks
Customizing the C/C++ editor
Working with Content Assist

Related reference
C/C++ editor preferences

Code Style preferences

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