Quick Fix Processor



This extension point allows users to add a Quick Fix processor to offer new Quick Fixes on C/C++ problems.

The extension can specify which problem marker types it can handle. It will only get problems of these types to process.

This extension point supports the enablement tag. Properties to test on are:

  • translationUnit: type ITranslationUnit; the translation unit the quick assist is applied on
  • projectNatures: type Collection; all project natures of the current project
  • Configuration Markup:

    <!ELEMENT extension (quickFixProcessor+)>

    <!ATTLIST extension


    id    CDATA #IMPLIED

    name  CDATA #IMPLIED>

    <!ELEMENT quickFixProcessor (enablement? , handledMarkerTypes*)>

    <!ATTLIST quickFixProcessor


    name  CDATA #IMPLIED

    class CDATA #REQUIRED>

    <!ELEMENT handledMarkerTypes (markerType+)>

    Specifies the marker types of the problems this quick fix processor can handle. If no handled marker type are specified, the processor will get problems of types org.eclipse.cdt.core.problem, org.eclipse.cdt.core.buildpath_problem and org.eclipse.cdt.core.task.

    <!ELEMENT markerType EMPTY>

    <!ATTLIST markerType


    <!ELEMENT enablement (not , and , or , instanceof , test , systemTest , equals , count , with , resolve , adapt , iterate , reference)*>

    A generic root element. The element can be used inside an extension point to define its enablement expression. The children of an enablement expression are combined using the "and" operator.

    <!ELEMENT not (not | and | or | instanceof | test | systemTest | equals | count | with | resolve | adapt | iterate | reference)>

    This element represents a NOT operation on the result of evaluating its sub-element expression.

    <!ELEMENT and (not , and , or , instanceof , test , systemTest , equals , count , with , resolve , adapt , iterate , reference)*>

    This element represents an AND operation on the result of evaluating all its sub-elements expressions.

    <!ELEMENT or (not , and , or , instanceof , test , systemTest , equals , count , with , resolve , adapt , iterate , reference)*>

    This element represent an OR operation on the result of evaluating all its sub-element expressions.

    <!ELEMENT instanceof EMPTY>

    <!ATTLIST instanceof

    value CDATA #REQUIRED>

    This element is used to perform an instanceof check of the object in focus. The expression returns EvaluationResult.TRUE if the object's type is a sub type of the type specified by the attribute value. Otherwise EvaluationResult.FALSE is returned.

    <!ELEMENT test EMPTY>

    <!ATTLIST test

    property              CDATA #REQUIRED

    args                  CDATA #IMPLIED

    value                 CDATA #IMPLIED

    forcePluginActivation (true | false) >

    This element is used to evaluate the property state of the object in focus. The set of testable properties can be extended using the org.eclipse.core.expressions.propertyTesters extension point. The test expression returns EvaluationResult.NOT_LOADED if the property tester doing the actual testing isn't loaded yet and the attribute forcePluginActivation is set to false. If forcePluginActivation is set to true and the evaluation context used to evaluate this expression support plug-in activation then evaluating the property will result in activating the plug-in defining the tester.

    <!ELEMENT systemTest EMPTY>

    <!ATTLIST systemTest

    property CDATA #REQUIRED

    value    CDATA #REQUIRED>

    Tests a system property by calling the System.getProperty method and compares the result with the value specified through the value attribute.

    <!ELEMENT equals EMPTY>

    <!ATTLIST equals

    value CDATA #REQUIRED>

    This element is used to perform an equals check of the object in focus. The expression returns EvaluationResult.TRUE if the object is equal to the value provided by the attribute value. Otherwise EvaluationResult.FALSE is returned.

    <!ELEMENT count EMPTY>

    <!ATTLIST count

    value CDATA #REQUIRED>

    This element is used to test the number of elements in a collection.

    <!ELEMENT with (not , and , or , instanceof , test , systemTest , equals , count , with , resolve , adapt , iterate , reference)*>

    <!ATTLIST with

    variable CDATA #REQUIRED>

    This element changes the object to be inspected for all its child element to the object referenced by the given variable. If the variable can not be resolved then the expression will throw an ExpressionException when evaluating it. The children of a with expression are combined using the "and" operator.

    <!ELEMENT resolve (not , and , or , instanceof , test , systemTest , equals , count , with , resolve , adapt , iterate , reference)*>

    <!ATTLIST resolve

    variable CDATA #REQUIRED

    args     CDATA #IMPLIED>

    This element changes the object to be inspected for all its child element to the object referenced by the given variable. If the variable can not be resolved then the expression will throw an ExpressionException when evaluating it. The children of a resolve expression are combined using the "and" operator.

    <!ELEMENT adapt (not , and , or , instanceof , test , systemTest , equals , count , with , resolve , adapt , iterate , reference)*>

    <!ATTLIST adapt


    This element is used to adapt the object in focus to the type specified by the attribute type. The expression returns EvaluationResult.NOT_LOADED if either the adapter or the type referenced isn't loaded yet. It throws an ExpressionException during evaluation if the type name doesn't exist at all. The children of an adapt expression are combined using the "and" operator.

    <!ELEMENT iterate (not , and , or , instanceof , test , systemTest , equals , count , with , resolve , adapt , iterate , reference)*>

    <!ATTLIST iterate

    operator (or|and)

    ifEmpty  (true | false) >

    This element is used to iterate over a variable that is of type java.util.Collection, or a variable that adapts to org.eclipse.core.expressions.IIterable. If the object in focus is not one of the above then a CoreException with an ExpressionStatus will be thrown while evaluating the expression. The child expressions of an iterate expression are combined using the "and" operator.

    <!ELEMENT reference EMPTY>

    <!ATTLIST reference

    definitionId IDREF #REQUIRED>

    This element is used to reference an expression from the org.eclipse.core.expressions.definitions extension point. The expression definition will be evaluated within the current expression element using the current evaluation context.

    The following is an example of a Quick Fix processor contribution:

     <extension point="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.quickFixProcessors">
       name="Advanced Quick Fix Processor"
          <markerType id="org.eclipse.myplugin.audits"/>
          <with variable="projectNatures">
             <iterate operator="or">
                <equals value="org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature"/>

    API Information:
    The contributed class must implement org.eclipse.cdt.ui.text.IQuickFixProcessor

    Copyright (c) 2001, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
    This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ t; t;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0